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Richard Farrant

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Everything posted by Richard Farrant

  1. I would think that starter ring has been changed before, because it is unusual to weld them in place, you normally heat them and shrink on. I wonder if it was the correct ring?
  2. Hi Sean, I was not far behind you as I also found the forum of Glasgow memories, apparently these vehicles crept around in the early hours collecting, and there batteries were charged using generation from the waste destructor I think. Still intrigued to know who built these trucks. That old Shelvoke dustcart, I remember that model, when I was a kid the local council had them.
  3. Sean, Yes, you are right, the link here shows one of the dustcarts! https://www.theglasgowstory.com/images/TGSE01344.jpg I am certain there are Scammell mechanical horses as well, and they were used in some places hauling dustcart trailers
  4. Sorry Duncan, you may have misunderstood me. The buses/coaches I refer to are not the ones you originally referred to, they are ones in line nose to tail facing to the left. As the parking does not look very "military like", this may be a Ministry of Supply contractors premises where the vehicles were going in for overhaul or even disposal, given it is 1947.
  5. I can see several what appears to be Scammell Mechanical Horses, some with trailers. The other lorries in question on the far right look to be articulated and my guess is they are Crossley tractor units, but there is one bonneted tractor with a longer trailer in amongst them, which could be of American origin. These could all be RAF vehicles, where is the location? The vehicles all in a line facing left look to be coaches or aircrew buses.
  6. Nearest I can think of is the Mark 1 Leyland Hippo 10 tonner which was a prewar design, with canvas top cab and front axle set back to below the rear of the cab. (Different to the well known Hippo Mk2)
  7. I think these are Dodge trucks, the one by the jeep shows enough of the rad grille to confirm. The motorcycles are likely to be Indians. On extreme left looks to be a "tilly", being RAF, a shrewd guess is a Hillman
  8. The riveting is best done hot so that the shank swells in the hole to stop the two chassis parts fretting, this is why they are riveted and not bolted. As a matter of interest, to shape a rivet you would use a tool called a rivet snap, which is like a punch with a semi circular concave in the end, similar tool when using a compressed air riveter.
  9. Rupert, This Humber box in your post is an ex-BBC vehicle and since been restored back to those times. Check out the fleet number on the door and it is very close to the number on the Oostende dock pass you posted on another thread, so likely that was another Humber Utility traveling to or from Belgium Info with this photo: A Humber 4 x 4 heavy utility vehicle on display at the Ardingly Vintage and Classic vehicle show - Ardingly, Sussex. According to the owners information, the vehicle was used by the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) as an outside broadcast unit. The vehicle was then bought by a reporter and used privately. Here the vehicle has been restored to being part of the BBC fleet.
  10. I have rebuilt some of those engines and the block is the same on on Commer and Humber vehicles of the period, the flywheels and flywheel housings vary but they will swap over. I have had the blocks linered so you can go back to Standard bores if need be.
  11. There are several in collectors hands in Victoria. One had a ground up restoration a few years back and looks like new.
  12. The designations OMD110 and OMD330 were not used during WW2 or do you mean another war?
  13. Hi Neils, The OXD that Peter Sanders had was previously owned by a friend of mine and I had worked on it. I do not think this is the same Bedford as the photos on this thread as an OXD does not have the spare wheel stowed behind the cab, the body on an OXD butts up to the cab. I think the one in the photos is an OY. regards, Richard
  14. Hi Steve, From your photo it looks like the gills are slightly crimped, you might be interested in the attached link to a Youtube video of a fairly simple set up to wind strip metal on to a tube using a lathe. regards, Richard
  15. Radiator cap for WW2 era Bedford, QL, MW, O type .....
  16. Yes, thanks he is well aware of that but was hoping another owner might have got an English language version and also make contact to compare notes as they are not very common outside of Europe.
  17. Hi, I have friend overseas who has a 1940's Saurer M6 6x6 truck. He has a users handbook but it not being in English he is finding it hard to understand. If anyone can help with an English version of manuals or possibly if anyone has already translated manuals, please let me know on here or send me a Private Message. I do recall seeing a M6 some years ago in the Hampshire area. Any leads on owners of Saurer M6 is very welcome. regards, Richard
  18. The wheels with the word FIRE cast on them, is it possible they were specifically for a fire engine?
  19. Hi Rupert, I am sending you a PM, thanks.
  20. Rupert, It was an assumption. I worked on some of these in Workshops, not at Storage Depots. I guess date would be build date then. Contract dates in records can often be a year or more prior to vehicles being built and not a good guide on build dates. Have you any record on the B40GN models that were made for the Royal Navy?
  21. Rupert, I had several of these B40's in the early Seventies and also worked in army workshops. I am certain these plates were fitted and stamped on receipt by the RAOC Vehicle Storage Depots. So the date would be when received by the MoD.
  22. Before you get too deep into this, it may well be a problem with your vehicle batteries. By using a jump lead from another vehicle, if there is a fault on one of your vehicle batteries it will inhibit the power from your second vehicle. I have had this problem before. An easy way to check this is to disconnect the vehicle batteries by removing the connecting lead between the two to isolate them.
  23. Don't think that Santa is the only one with problems .......your link does not work!
  24. I am afraid I have not got that information. The guy to ask on the forum is Artistrifles as he got some in from Aus and may have details, try sending him a PM
  25. There seems no evidence in the vehicle unit history of Ruxy's theory on MOULD home defence. All the units were involved with electronic warfare by the looks of it and it was in Bosnia for Op Resolute with HQ of Allied Rapid Reaction Corps.
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