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Everything posted by guy66

  1. Some fresh metal on the driver side of the floor, but there is still some new metal needed on the floor but this will be for next week. And also some pictures of the TEV-type body that the floor section and a chassis cross member will be of use on my QLD.
  2. Here are some pictures of the cabin after the battle with angle grinder! I don't can cut to match rot in one go, because I need to have some reference points and templates to make copies.:nut::nut::nut:
  3. Hello Niels, the bad work on the cabin are al on the back ( under the seats) the of the cabin, just had a start today on the cabin and it is bad, yes as the Jackson's said it is bad. Looking to have a starting point on al this rust, but made a start. I will post some pictures of the work (cutting of old metal) Guy
  4. Some extra panel work on the QL, trial fit of the radiator cover, passenger seat repair (was in a bad state because the bedford had been standing without copula cover) and made some new sections.
  5. Hello, and how is the work on the cabin progressing, I am just curios because we are in the same league. On way Ql al the lose body parts are almost repaired and very soon I will start with the main cabin section. Keep up the good work! Guy
  6. The wanted spare part list is getting smaller, did find a spare wheel, engine cover and a rear cargo body. The rear section is of a post-war TEV type (office box) but it is only the floor and fittings that I will use after some modification. The floor section is the same as a QLT. I will gave some bits for sale that i don't need on my QLD. Parts for sale are: 2 petrol tanks with fittings for QLT Complete upper section of the box ( side panels, windows and roof section with ventilation louvres) Chassis extensions and more. I only have the rear section in march, if some interest contact my and after march I can post some pictures. Guy
  7. Looking very nice your Enfield, and I love overhead valve machines from ww2. What is the sign on the petrol tank? Guy
  8. Hello Ian, yes al the fabrication and welding is don by me. It is not my first restoration project, in the past I have been working mostly on Triumph Herald and Vitesse cars and also some mini's. If you know a bit about cars then you know that thees are not so rust proof! And with al the motorbikes that past my hands (lost the cont on al my bike restoration) I have some experience with panel work. Send you some pictures of some bikes. And with the Triumph I really was bitten by the military vehicle virus! Guy
  9. Some extra welding work don on the QL. Bottom of the radiator cover repaired and the starting handle middle fitting re-made. The angle grinder had also a fight with the bottom of the door, there was also some rust to deal with, thereafter I welded some fresh metal in the bottom of the door.
  10. I need to move on with this project, if I see al the work that need to be done on the QL. Are plan is to take the bedford to normandy in 2014. I did trace some QLR TEV- type rear body here in Belgium ( the front of the truck had been cut of and the rear section was used as a cabin on building sites) and think that the floor and fittings are the same as a QLT (long troop carrier model). This stuff comes at a very good price and maybe can be modified in to a QLD floor. With thees lot comes also a engine cover (cover over engine in the cabin) that was missing on mine. Next week the engine goes for a re-bore and can be put back together. I need to find a gasket set or the engine and 6 inlet valves with the valve springs. Guy
  11. Some extra work on the Ql, Engine parts had a fresh coat of paint and some welding work don on the bottom of the radiator cover .
  12. Yes Nils , it is from a triumph gt6 I am rebuilding. Guy
  13. Hello and a merry Christmas to every body on the forum. last week I had the engine and gearbox inside the workshop, opened the gearbox and took everything apart to clean the inside of it (some surface rust inside the box) but other ways everything looked fine. Put everything back together with new gaskets and a fresh coat of paint. As I said in my previous threads, the engine was solid stuck and as I took the engine apart it came clear that some water found his way in to the engine. The QL had been standing for a long time without the copula cover on the roof and the air cleaner tube was not on the carb and some rain water must have found his way in to the engine. The engine is complete in bits and on first inspection it need a re-bore to first over size (0.20) because there is some damage on the cylinder walls from the water in the bores. I had to use some brute force to move the middle pistons out of there bores ( inlet valves had been open on these two and the water found his way via these valves in to the middle bores). The good news is that the bearings on the crank are like new and already traced some old stock oversize pistons with exhaust valves, still need some inlet valves and valve spring. Guy
  14. The cabin and engine are now i my workshop, pictures of the striped chassis and the cabin on transport (only for a few miles) Wanted to take some pictures of the engine strip but my camera plays my tricks, think that santa will need to bring my a new one. Guy
  15. Yes Ian, I will make contact for a few questions! Guy
  16. Hi Ian, your QL must have been a QLR, the engine has the special sealed distributor, my bedford was also a radio type but sometime the distributor has been changed to a normal type. Where is your dynamo regulator situated (on the back of the cabin or in front of the driver) ? Guy
  17. Some update on the bedford. separated the cabin from the chassis and I took the roof section first of, this will make my job match easier in the workshop to repair section by section. The cabin floor will need some welding work and as a small part can be man handled in the workshop . Al the bolts came lose after some gentle heating and it was a strait forward job to take the roof section of the main cabin. The cabin came next and removed the engine and gearbox, butt it wend very dark and have now pictures of the removal of the engine.The engine will need a good inspection and some of the pistons are stuck in there bores. Something interesting came to light when i had a good look at the doors, the QL came from a depot in Antwerp as can bee seen on one of the doors!
  18. I really think it is the challenge to put a British workhorse back on the road, if I want to start something easy as a project it surely makes the challenge so match easier if I had chose something American. But this is not my cup of tea !!! Where I live we where liberated by the 53rd Welsh division and feel it as something of a acknowledgement to are liberators. something that really annoys my is ,if someone tray's to belief that we have everything to thank to the yanks! But for sure I am a bit of a Anglophile, that's my problem. Guy
  19. Hello, fore sure it is a tax disc holder but need to look if it is a wd type, for the moment it is still on cabin and will have a look! Guy
  20. Hello, with this thread I send some information about the restoration of my bedford QL. This truck was original a QLR, yes with a radio box on the chassis but lost his rear section after its military service. The plan is to put a general service (QLD) rear section on the chassis but this will be for the future, first start with the cabin and engine as this last one is solid blockt.
  21. Hi Ian, I though my Ql floor was in a bad state butt to see on your pictures we are in the same league. Butt al the floor panels are fairly easy to repair and easy to shape in the right form . The part under the driver seat must be the problem area on thees trucks and surely this is in relation with the battery's been kept under the driver seat . Keep up the good work..... Guy
  22. Some extra pictures with the trusty triumph. wd bikes in Normandy for the 65/65 run.
  23. Hi Niels, if you let your bedford ql fly then you may always direct it my direction, I still looking for one! Guy
  24. Hello, My Ql engine is still in the original colour and what i see under a enormous layer of filth is black. A will have a lock what colour I will find on the gearbox . Guy
  25. Hello, I will tray to get the bedford ready for 2014 and then i can take my triumph on the back to Normandy. Indeed it is the radar station of Douvres, as my triumph has the number 93 of the 41 royal marines commando.iIt was the right spot to make some pictures as the commando's had some fighting to do on this location. Normally there will be something to do for British wd bikes in Normandy in 2014 as in 2009 (just have a lock to the bsa m20 forum) Guy
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