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Gerry Khann

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About Gerry Khann

  • Birthday 01/01/1
  1. Crumbs, I’m now famous! Do I qualify to go on that other silly thread about famous people I have met? I haven’t bothered reading this forum for a few days and have come back to find I have become a pseudonym. Clive Stevens (is that his real name?) somehow knows I am not a MVT member. Well that is a blow when I less money in my wallet and have a little card to show for it. There are MVT people up here in the north of the county who have even met me but how can I prove that I am me to you lot? Then again, do I really care as its perhaps more fun to now be your “official spokesman” for the MVT. I am not quite sure about Clive’s logic that because Gerald Wiley was a pseudonym, he assumes all Geralds must now be pen names…. and perhaps I should be offended by Clive’s outburst “Who the hell would give themselves a psuodynom of Gerald Leggitt ???” Well perhaps this can be a new thread on the name you would pick for yourself. I remember I was only very small when my parents picked my name and as I could not speak words, I didn’t have much to say at the time. Leggitt was my Dad’s last name and my Grandpa’s before that. We are also not the more common Leggett and I have two t’s, not one as FV601 John has trimmed me down to. The best thing of all is I had thought of a cracking pseudonym for myself to use on this forum, but filled in my proper details correctly to join, expecting that at some point I would add my made-up name. It is also pleasing that Clive thinks I am well informed. That does not seem to be a requirement for many of the posts on this forum. (What punishment will I suffer for that statement?) I have come from the MG (car not gun) world where there is too much rivalry there for my liking by small minorities. I bought a Land Rover which happened to be ex-army and one thing leads to the next and I now have an interest in military LR’s. I met a few boys up here who encouraged me to go to their MVT meeting and I was made welcome and made some new friends and contacts. Meanwhile I had a look round the Internet and came across this forum site by accident and started reading the posts. As the derogatory comments I read did not did not match the MVT members that I have come across, I took more interest and eventually, and for the first time ever, decided to respond. It is clear to me that the name (pseudonym?) of the game seems to be to slag the MVT off on this site. An easy subject to poke fun at was the motions that have been proposed, but because of a few maybe silly, maybe fun, maybe serious motions, a small group of people are having a field day. Heaven forbid, the MVT seems to allow free speech (what our vehicles were used to fight for, etc) but this group can then come on here and have a cheap pop at the club, but when you ask you find none will actually make any positive contribution. They can’t even make the little effort to go to the AGM and stand up and ask about these trivial points they are so keen to bang on about. Then when you ask them direct questions, they change to a new topic, so from whinging about motions, it goes to the grammar in Windscreen. When that doesn’t go their way, then they have a go at the people who stick up for the car club in question, so now I am in the firing line! Well that is excellent. You don’t know who I am and why should you, but thanks for building me and my contribution up. Actually Clive, I didn’t know John Carroll (I see ‘Carroll’ has a similar letter layout to ‘Leggitt’……) had anything to do with MV magazines. He himself confirmed he edits a 4x4 magazine. I can also tell you that the editor of Practical Classics was Martin Moore but I think it has changed now. I am not sure what either of these points show, except that I read car magazines. Try going on the Internet Clive instead of sniping at the MVT (and me) – its amazing what you can find! Aha, I see you involved with Operation Bolero and I would guess your posts are an opportunity to promote it. You say you are a MVT member but your role doesn’t seem very supportive. You also ask if others were that out-spoken within a month of their membership card arriving (oh that’s right, the card you say I haven’t got anyway). Well if you did check back through my very few posts, you will see they started before I paid my subs! So I am not new to the classic car hobby, I have owned my military LR for nearly a year, and I have visited this forum on dozens (well maybe ten?) occasions before joining and making my thoughts, which aren’t very deep, known. I would apologise as I hadn’t realised there is an etiquette to follow before you should make a serious post. Do you really have to write all these pointless one-liners, make all this incestuous congratulatory remarks to the core gang and chase all these irrelevant threads? I thought this was a site to discuss matters relating to old military vehicles. Just try and find one interesting thread anywhere on here to do with vehicles. It’s just a pen pal club where many of the contributors have too much time on their hands. So lets see you pick the bones out of that. I am sure you will have a real go at me and I don’t care. If you are really horrid I’ll paint the Landy red and put some white-spokes on. Gerry (Leggitt/Marsden/Wiley/andthePaceMakers/Built/Can/Halliwell/Boam/Cho/Miah) NOW THAT IS TOO LONG!!
  2. Okay John, yesterday you were all revved up by the proposed motions - some strange , some silly and one or two which might have some basis for discussion.....but none of which have yet been adopted because the AGM hasn't taken place yet (I've checked)! Tonight you seem more bothered by the magazine ( the main reason I joined the MVT). You have a point that any magazine that costs people money should have right spelling and grammer, but your other points are subjective - and I like the general style. The long list of reasons why you say the whole car club thing is coming to an end seems to me all the more reason why enthusiasts should stick together, rather than the "I won't be renewing my memebrship" route. Maybe the different military vehicle clubs should even join forces and ammalgamate. The other car club I belong to is a member of the FBHVC. Maybe the military vehicle clubs are too? So back to my point John, are you going to the AGM to offer your expertise and wide vehicle knowledge? Can we expect to read an article from you in Windscreen? Will you be sending in your first world war postcards like Great War Truck has done? I really hope so as it looks like you could make a useful difference. Gerry
  3. Hi again I have just spent half an hour typing a message only to loose it trying to use the spell check! Anyway, what I was saying was, isn't John Carroll a professional writer who edits one of the off road magazines? If so, then of course he will find mistakes a club magazine. Do I detect an he wants to take over the Windscreen magazine, or perhaps he is a bit afraid of the competion ! I say that people who live in glasshouses shouldn't grow tomatoes. Reading John's very serious thoughts you would think you were voting for your MP in a general election. Anyway, I thought the Military Vehicle Trust AGM was yet to come. Reading John's deep thinking on these motions, it would seem to have already been passed, or does he know something we club members don't? If these things are passed, then I want my money back too as I am not going to be phsyco-profiled just for having a green landrover - and I have only just joined! So why are these club matters being aired on here when I bet half the people here are not MVT members? Have any of you moaning minnies even bothered to get in touch with the guys who run the club for you. I bet not as it is much easier to just sit there at a keyboard and throw the tomatoes you grew in your greenhouses. Instead of whinging and moaning, think what you could put into any club you join. I will put my money where my mouth is and try and put something into a hobby and the club I have chosen, otherwise what is the point? So you get one bit of paper you don't like and the sky falls in. John's answer is to threaten to not renew his membership. If you have been a member of any club for 10 years and something comes up you disagree with, do something about it - is your club for goodness sake. Just walking away is a real cop out and solves nothing. Get up off your backside and do something about it in a positive way. John doesn't like these proposals as he thinks they might (MIGHT) be serious. Or he doesn't like these proposals because he thinks they might be meant to be funny BUT not to his brand of humour. Oh dear me. Its only one tiny bit of an effin car club! Make a little more effort than just blubbing on a forum. I tell you what was a positive input into this hooby and that is the people who took the trouble to send me suppliers of landrover parts after my first message. Thank you to them. Yes there will be spelling mistakes in this and I am not losing it all agian by risking my spell checking skills. Gerry
  4. Hi there again That's great start, messing up my first ever post on any forum site, though I have visited this one a few times before. I don't know how to do all the fancy page stuff but can't even get my pseudonym on the page or make the spell check work!!!!!!! I just thought I would reply to some fairly negative messages left on here about the Military Vehicle Club's motions for their AGM. I have met the members up here near Lancaster and they all seem like regular vehicle enthusiast and they have made me welcome. I have not yet joined but I like the members I've met and I like some of these proposals, so the result is I will be sending my subscription off as my next job. However, that's not the point. Surely any member can put any motion to their club's AGM - whatever the club. It is then up to the members to vote for it or reject it. To stiffle motions just because someone in authorty thinks they're silly smacks of censorship to me. The fact that this club are willing to bring any motion from a member shows that they welcome debate and is therefore must be a massive plus point. My feeling is that some of these proposals will get short shift, but others hopefully will get more time. I for one think we should take the tree idea very seriously, that is assuming it not some non-member just trying to score a point against one club just because they are in another. Surely all old car owners should get along - there are enough outside bodies trying to stop all of our motoring hobbies. Enough of my first jumping on a soap box, but where is the best place to find military Land Rover bits? Sorry, perhaps I should have started a second message. Gerry
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