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Everything posted by TooTallMike

  1. I agree. There aren't enough lovely ladies in this hobby. I have all these big green babe magnets 8-) but nothing seems to stick to them :-(.
  2. One of our guys went to view the M8s that are being advertised by this chap and they were MUCH worse than expected. However I don't know whther this was due to my friend's over-optimism or the seller's over-description. Maybe a mix of the two. I believe Peter Kniest is a well-respected dealer in this hobby - perhaps the Dutch guys can comment?
  3. Paul, You can get 7 1/2" lenses for H4 lamps from Vintage wiring products. I started a thread on this conversion a while ago with some comparison photos. Do a search for 'halogen headlight conversion' or similar. Incidentally, you can also get 6v H4s if you do decide to stay 6v. My money's on 12v every time because with these old vehicles which don't get used very often and tend to live in relatively cold and damp environments, you can do with every volt you can get for starting. Originality is no comfort when the damn thing won't start!
  4. A fleet register may also be of interest to film & TV companies so maybe there could be a section to indicate whether you'd like to be considered for such work 8-) ?
  5. Or then again maybe not... I just got this message: "...Back to square one. I guess I should have asked more than one person. Now that I have asked 6 different people with different backgrounds, I think I have an answer to the name under the hood (bonnet) It's Wahabi. Seems to be a bit of confusion about the poorly written script. Wahabi (pronounced waahabbi) is in fact a name and not the aformention Wahabi sect that is known in the Saudi area. The name Wahabi is a common name in the Egypt area ( t=not the gulf states) or lebenon. Just the oppisite of what I said before. Had one he11 of an argument going on with the locals here as to the origin of the name, but it is a lot like Mike or Emmett. Just a name." :banghead:
  6. 'Wahbi' or Wahbism is apparently a type of ultra-orthodox, ultra-conservative Islam practised principally in Saudi Arabia. Hmm....
  7. Well here's the translation courtesy of a friend of Emmett Thompson from the G503: "OK, I got the low down on the Aribic. On the quarter panel with the Arabic writing and the numbers.... 'El gish' That roughly translates into 'Military' or 'Army'. Sorry, no idea as to who's military. the number is 36110 You see this kind of thing over here on police and military vehicles that don't have a place for a licensence plate or tag. They just paint it on. As far as the other side, it is a unit marking....7 and what ever that symbol is...no idea. The best part is that your 151 has a name! It's 'Wahbi' Kind of strange about how it is written as in your photo of the close up of the hood is up-side-down. In order to paint the name Wahbi, you would have to lean way over to the drivers side from the pax side. Last point is that it is suspected that it is from the Gulf reigon as opposed to north Africa or Lebenon.. I guess these folks can tell that somehow by the way the letters are written." So there we go. It has a name and an identity. I now need to identify the unit marking to get any more specific info. on which country it was from.
  8. I'll second that :tup:. I especially enjoyed watching him drive 3 times round a roundabout at the top of a hill while we caught up!
  9. Oh, without a shadow of a doubt we're nuts :banana: :banana: :banana: ...but having fun :-D 8-) !
  10. Here are my photos of the day. I know Nick took loads of 'action shots' so hopefully he'll post them up soon. We got it back fine and even had to do a bit of muddy off-roading to boot - I ran out of traction in his field and had to uncouple and winch it the last 25 feet. It was the most fun I've had for a long time :-D .
  11. R Cubed, Are you the chap from the IOW that Vince and I met at Firepower? with the over-engineered inspection ramps...?
  12. Oh I don't know, there's a few of the lady ones I wouldn't mind breeding with ;-).
  13. I have someone working on the translation today so I hope to be wiser by tonight!
  14. Then lower gently to the ground but now the right way up. Thanks to Grasshopper and my Dad for help and photography :-)
  15. Bored with Wards, Autocars, Pickups and obscure vehicle parts. I decided to play with the baby of the fleet this afternoon. The MUTT has been on trestles for the last 2 months while I did the underside. The time has come to put it back on its feet again. First lift it, remove trestles and lower onto cushions pilfered from the living room...
  16. Does anyone recognise this casting? It is one end of a tow bar which has been made from two of these huge towing eyes/brackets welded to a skinny bit of steel bar. The castings could easily be removed from the bar but are they of any use to anyone? Judging by the size, I wouldn't be surprised if they are off a tank.
  17. Star stencils can be made very easily: draw out a circle of your chosen diameter on a piece of cornflakes carton or similar cardboard. Using a protractor mark out five points 72 degrees apart. Join them up and cut out the resulting star with a sharp knife. For really big stars you can just mark this out straight onto the bodywork.
  18. Cheers anyway. Someone out there is bound to see one of these at a show so please keep your eyes open on my behalf guys! Ben - nice motor ! The HAR features highly in my 'vehicles I want to have owned' list (I'm about 8 into 50 or so entries so far) along with the SU COE. I think FWDs have a particularly purposeful look to them.
  19. Congratulations on the acquisition. That DT cargo is a really well-proportioned truck. It looks great. I'd like to see a side shot of it nose-to-nose with a LWB Jimmy to compare them. How many spare wheels does it carry behind the cab?
  20. I'm sure Grasshopper or I can offer help if you can limp over to Croydon (Coulsdon) some time? If you're finding you lose too much road speed when trying to change up, you're probably changing too early. Sorry :-) . I know it can be embarrasing and seems wrong but you're driving a 60-year-old truck. You can console yourself that you're way cooler than anything in the queue behind you 8-) . Often you just have to sit in a lower gear with the engine revving a bit until you reach a flatter bit of road. You can practice double de-clutching on your everyday car and you'll find you get much smoother gear changes. (People will tell you that double de-clutching on a synchromesh 'box damages the synchro's but it's valuable practice, and would you rather practice on a venerable Jimmy or a Eurobox?).
  21. I've seen that picture or one VERY similar to it in one of my books and I remember the caption they offer makes no sense - something about testing vehicles' towing capacities. I'm away at the moment but when I get back next week I'll try and find it.
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