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Everything posted by TooTallMike

  1. Mark, Your truck is looking great :tup: We're really going to have to come up with a good plan B for the two trucks for W&P!
  2. Sorted. That'll make the rasta guys at W&P with the HMMWV & Sankey look twice!
  3. No, they just know when they're beaten by sheer good looks, fashion sense and sexy knees ;-)
  4. Yes, but having read Berni's message I now want a swimming pool too. Please can we have one Mr camp commandant, sorry, welfare orificer?
  5. My mummy once told me that when the other boys are teasing they're actually jealous. I KNOW I'm lookin' good :knockknock: 8-) :hug:
  6. For weather-related illnesses or just generally? :-D
  7. I'm pleased you enjoyed it. That's about 15mins from my house! We weren't about anyway as we were busy contracting hypothermia on the South Coast all weekend :-)
  8. Croydon's about 10mins from where I live. Where were you camping?
  9. These things are still out there lurking in gardens and sheds & once people know you're interested it's amazing what the grapevine brings up :-) Ashley - the trailer is a wartime trailer pump. It's all there but stripped. One of our younger members is doing his 'apprenticeship' on it. As for selling it - I think W&P is the way to go so keep an eye out for it there!
  10. I'll post some photos now and write a bit of a report when I've defrosted more!
  11. Mmm... cake... :drool:
  12. No, sorry. These are from when we collected it though. It's still got all the data plates on and was UK registered. The tax disc was sometime in the 80s I think. It runs and drives but has no brakes (he's going to do them before W&P). He's fitted new tyres and some floor panels. I've told him he's very likely to get offers on it while he's driving it round and that he should seriously consider selling it, but what's something like this worth?
  13. Interesting to see an soft-cab truck with an M37 ring mount. Do you know when/where it was fitted? Not criticising, just curious :-)
  14. Last night I towed a friend's WW2 Jeep from his garage to his lockup so he can start work on it. It all went fine apart from him starting it in gear and crashing it into the back of the pickup. Bent the repro Jeep front bumper and broke one of my no. plate lights :-( It's a very original Jeep and will probably be going to W&P as is. He seems to think he shouldn't take it until it's restored but I reckon it'll cause far more of a stir covered in rust and looking like it's been dragged out of a hedge (which it was!)
  15. Michael, When I lived in the Basque country for a year I was told that if you catch an intruder on your property you should shoot to kill. If they die on your property you can't be done for murder but if they crawl off and then die you can. I never found out if it was really true though...
  16. Hi Mark, Welcome on board :-) To post your photos, use 'Additional options' in the 'reply to post' window and browse to your photos. It's very quick. Just watch out for file sizes: you may have to post a series of posts if you have lots of pics! - Mike
  17. I think that was just the organisers' original ideas being mooted. It seems to have relaxed a bit since then. Oh well. Have fun and I'm looking forward to the photos and report. Is it being filmed for TV?
  18. One of our guys is taking his QLR too. I was put off because of the amount of time it was suggested entrants were required to commit. Has it lessened or are you still required to be on site for the whole week?
  19. If I came up to you at a show and wanted to buy your landie, what amount would make you part with it? I'd suggest that's the value. You may be talking £20k for all I know but if that's what it's worth to you then that's it's value. Alternatively work out how much it owes you and add 10%. Then I'd ask FJ who they expect to authenticate it. If they just require it to be 'an experienced MV collector' there are plenty on here who'll probably do it for a pint. Good luck and do remember they'll do everything they can to wriggle out of paying out so sadly it probably doesn't matter a jot what value you place on it anyway :roll:
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