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Bodge Deep

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Everything posted by Bodge Deep

  1. I like the POOL can. Got one one the for my dads pre war car in original grey with large white P stencilled on the side.
  2. Yep my 3 year old is just old enough to use the potty on her own and my 1 year old is just old enough to kick it over once its been vacated... I think there's a house somewhere under the pile of pink plastic we've got! I'll have a look one day...
  3. I always smile look 'em straight in the eye, smile and say the one thing they really don't want to hear.... "I don't care" Then ask them where theirs is and say "lets 'ave a look at that then" That shifts the buggers he he!
  4. 60% of the stuff you take to shows, you take home again never having used/touched/eaten etc
  5. My heart will go on... ...my wallet however won't!
  6. we'll weigh you in for scrap you know!
  7. Ingleton North Yorkshire. A lovely event, one of my favourites of the year, nicely relaxed, excellent location and camping, good fun and a great atmosphere.
  8. Didn't get to the truck today darn it! Heard it mentioned on the news at about 6am and flicked onto the Paul O'Grady Show (god help us) who was interviewing a ATA Girl and a Spitfire Pilot... That was about it though
  9. I'd rather see my car under a tank than vice versa
  10. Blimey! I'da thought it more likely it was shoved into a shell crater or bomb crater which was then filled in. Seems an awfully big hole to dig to bury something that could be dragged away? You wouldn't want to lift it out a hole though. Wonder if they'll charge the US Army with 60 years of unpaid 'Pay and Display'
  11. Welcome Matt! Take a seat you're among friends, we are here to help you, not to judge! Step one: Talk about MV's Step two: Get youself a beer!
  12. Welcome Jon Can't beat the swingin stuff its the best! I'm cramming the house full of 78's of wartime & 30's stuff... marvellous. I couldn't dance if someone held a gun to me head... but i have been a drummer on and off since i was 16... I'd love to play in a swing band perhaps an HMVF band is in the offing? Y'dancin' ?
  13. Welcome to the forum Hawk Check the cleaning rosta for the clubhouse your name will be on it shortly and remember that jaffa cakes are not biscuits and are therefore fair game in the kitchen if left out. Keep the pink lacy number disc in your welcome pack you'll need it for the dancing girls who incedentally are very partial to Dodges
  14. Very sad to see so much effort go unseen... Made it for about and hour or so on sunday... soaked through after about 20 mins... darned limey weather!
  15. too right... I'll be up at the crack of lunchtime!
  16. Q:What's that!? A: Erm it's a typewriter ! Q: Whats it for ?
  17. Wow what a formidable sounding gentleman and what a military career. I imported my Dodge from Tromsoe... looks a beautiful place
  18. Blody brilliant, well done... got a few i can dig out too!
  19. Hi Al Gonna be in norwich on saturday... put kettle on!
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