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Bodge Deep

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Everything posted by Bodge Deep

  1. Right chaps, ladies night in the clubhouse tonight... best bib and tucker and no oily hbts Miss Jeep will be presented with the cake from which catweazle will burst and lead the assembly in happy birthday
  2. A real pleasure... this event is brilliant and even in the teeth of a bloody awful weather system it was still a hoot! Roll on next year and the new venue... dance cards at the ready!
  3. One blows your tent down the other blows it up! Isn't hurricane lamp justa generic term for the tin storm lanterns?
  4. But they are addictive My brothers back yard looks like the tilley spares department... he's got about 15 of them and bits, and boxes of bits, and bits of boxes! Can't get enough! I bought another colemans yesterday at an auto jumble... couldn't just leave it there... it had about £70 worth of petrol in it!!!
  5. I've had a few military ones. They're nearly always dated and marked with the crows foot /|\ Last one i had was a rather spiffing 1943 one before i decided they weren't nearly dangerous enough and transferred my preference to the infinately more volatile and unstable Colemans petrol lamps...Pah the Tilley is a mere toy! Try the Colemans 'Sun in the Night' model guaranteed to raise the temperaure... and a mushroom cloud should the startup go to pot! Burning pressurised petrol... magic! Or the Colemans 'Vehicular model' double burner stove (a flame thrower and demolition bomb combination) guaranteed to warm beans and flush out dug in enemy positions with equal vigour. Banish the the cold and the dark.. oh and eyebrows and fingertips come to that! Why are camping stoves and lamps so addictive... and such fun?
  6. Wow amazing! Well deserved... how many more before you get to go home
  7. The only thing Enigma was laden with last year was mud!!
  8. no problem dear... will you miss me?
  9. A C47 will drop clean undies and teabags mid week ... time to be confirmed... please show red flares when instructed... If you don't have red flares then those leather boot cut lederhosen you wear will have to do...
  10. Put it this way... I'm thinkin of trailering my truck down from the lake district... Yes! THAT good!
  11. Wecome Garry Snowtracdave is a man if taste and distinction... listen to him... I was gona call him STD but that'd be wrong Your 'park n ride' pass from the jeep section of the clubhouse carpark to the bar is being processed Just Empty Every Pocket
  12. A pleasure... top event despite the crappy weather! See you Saturday for the 'rumble in the jumble!'
  13. Its usually either squirt or zap... do what "bicycle repair man" said an' you'll be back frightening nova drivers before you know it!
  14. welcome back Your clothes peg in the clubhouse changing rooms has been reallocated however as you are still on file you now qualify for a locker but please no oily fingerprints Maureen (the cleaner) has an allergy to Swarfega.
  15. Happy Birthday Deep Heat for the dislocated shoulder injury in the post !
  16. Some say he drives German armour in his spare time and he's particularly fond of assault guns... All we know is he's the Stug! I'll get me coat
  17. Tyre rubber seems particularly susceptible to decomposition from sunlight... I think its the UV. I remember reading a reprint of an article think it was in windscreen that the US Army used to store their tyres in buildings with blacked out windows to prevent sunlight damage. I had some tyres off my old MkII Golf that sat outside for years after i sold the car. The tread was like new but the tyres were utterly knacked!
  18. You dont look a day over 50 despite what Jack says....Many happy returns JorisMay all your gifts be green*
  19. hay... never though o' that... good idea
  20. Thanks Lee your a star You other two... KP duty in the clubhouse for 1 week
  21. Dug out of the barn this weekend and (partly) dusted off for a spin! I think it was a delivery/GPO bike at some point, hense the lugs on the frame fat tyres and heavy chain... but its a nice ride and cost a fiver so you can't go wrong really!
  22. Righto chaps... Had this gathering dust in the back of the barn for ages thinking wonder what that was used for? Briggs n Stratton. Clearly for driving belts so genny? lighting rig? Pump? What practical aplication would it've had... is it for sommat specific? Answers on a postcard to... well here please !
  23. & please don't have nightmares... Look out behind you AAAAAAAaaaaarrrrrrghh!
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