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Bodge Deep

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Everything posted by Bodge Deep

  1. Lose weight, enjoy the frugal lifestyle we already have, enjoy watching the kids grow up as i work from home for meself... and (i have to confess) enjoy watching the 200 year old newspaper that i used to work for go to the wall through greedy management and greedier owners. We visited extended family in London over Xmas and had one relative explain how both their jobs were in peril and facing an uncertain future. Then literally in the next breath said what do you think of the new car (a BRAND new VW Golf in the driveway!!). They could not see why we were laughing! There's bad luck and there's bad decisions...put them together and...
  2. Got a very nice collection of original wartime Jersey newspapers from the German occupation from mum n dad. The spin and propaganda from the occupied papers is facinating to read
  3. Dosen't look a day over 50 does he? Happy birthday old man We'll have a whip round and get you radio carbon dated then we'll know for sure!
  4. Hmmm nice... I used to work as one of the designers for Motorvatin' USA magazine... always loved US cars
  5. You can take the boy out of Yorkshire...
  6. never mind the booze lets have a look at the Vette!
  7. Yes... that they lack imagination in buying presents!
  8. Elvington was an excellent do... the only good weather I think I had at an event this year... RTV was a definite 'do of the year' recipient!
  9. Books mostly, the 'Eighth Airforce' Book one of the 'Commando comic' anthologies and bits and bobs
  10. Alpha Centauri isn't it? welcome by the way pub quiz in the clubhouse 8pm boxing day first prize... a ride in jacks truck second prize... a long ride in jacks truck
  11. Have a happy quiet contented Xmas with lots of R&R And as Tiny Tim so rightly put it...
  12. Just a tin box and easily replaced... Purple heart for the Renault and an honorable discharge from active duty You'll have to commute in the Dodge now ... every cloud... ! Glad your okay... put the travel sweets closer to hand next time!
  13. Hi Austin Welcome from a bit further up't road (Kendal) No doubt bump into you at some event or other in the frozen north!
  14. Cor they've made a nice job of that...! Shame to hide it in the transmission... needs a spotlight on it on a plinth!
  15. dunno but thats not a tree you wanna be near when it 'drops its pins'
  16. Honestly! Whoever heard of a duck at the top of a christmas tree?!
  17. I think overall it was... ignoring manufacturing costs and logistics the build quality of most of their equipment (vehicular anyway) was excellent... Well supplied quantity verus poorly supplied quality was not the walkover that you'd imagine (purely in terms of equipment).
  18. Well as long as its all going into the same cause... great I say!
  19. You had the ear of the nation and never a mention of HMVF or Bolero... for shame KP duty for you for the week!
  20. This is a fantastic resource! I'da never have thought that that superb tank i saw at RTV was brought back from the brink, it looks amazing... you sir are an artiste
  21. The blitzkreig invasion of England falters at Liverpool
  22. Not sure of the technical accuracy of the BBC's props dept... I haven't seen any good pics of the originals. I think its called 'Round and Round whent the great big Wheel'
  23. Nordens were the cuting edge at the time and were as a rule removed from the aircraft whilst on the ground back at base. Tony you have a PM!
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