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Bodge Deep

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Everything posted by Bodge Deep

  1. What you've got on is basically spot on... HBT coveralls would've been de-rigeur also, and oily ones at that! Or a lot of the recovery guys wore tankers gear, so tankers jackets, HBT's, boots (you've already got) or the Tankers Bibs... Althought the tankers gear is insulated and tends to be a bit warmer for summer do's. Mix n match I'd say... most of their gear ended up lagged in oil, grease and worse! Helmet markings ida thought would be fairly minimal but Enigma will know the way! The only thing i'd say is if the sunglasses aren't prescription... back the truck over them and get some period style ones Aviator copies etc or the round lensed wire rimmed type.
  2. Well, quite! I run with my 5x3 chequered "Follow Me" flag flying as it makes the truck even more conspicuous on the open road (not that you'd imagine a black and white chequered dodge could be missed)... Dunno if its allowed or not but i'd rather flap a flag than have some myopic dimwit ram his micra into the back of me because "he didn't see me"
  3. Hmmmm "Madness. Where are these idiots with such money?" (And how do i stuff my clapped out MV into one of them and buy a small island with the money?).
  4. Awww Dammit! I've dropped me plug wrench!
  5. "Well sir, the jeep just shot out in front of me..." "Really? ... What about the 45 gallon drum?" "That too sir!" "And the cement mixer? I suppose that cut you up too did it?" "Yes Sir" "You're an idiot! Get out of my office... You're going to be flying a mop and bucket for the next few weeks!"
  6. is it damped? Or is it to releive the the strain on the transmission brake/brakes when parking against the sloshing effect of unbaffled or poorly baffled tanker trailers? Liquid could slosh back n forth for a while after parking i s'pose?
  7. I hope you had that News of the World ironed... i hadn't even looked at it yet and you know Snap likes to keep 'em for his portfolio...
  8. Would there be a brakeman on the last carriage/truck?
  9. You wanna see Jesse's B17... now that's big!
  10. The wifes best friend went out with the bass player from NMA a few years back... Didn't one of the members of Status Quo have a thing for MV's ? Look on the Iplayer for Saturday Live
  11. Radio 4 this morning Saturday Live Stephen Morris Drummer with New Model Army discusses his collection of tracked armour! Available on listen again or Iplayer. About 7 mins in... Enjoy
  12. Yeah good... you? good photos by the way... all of em... You doing many events this year? have to meet up again
  13. Would that be old couple or erm... "odd couple"
  14. Go on then! This is a great little event and welll worth a look.
  15. I think the last picture was Jacks request... he muttered something in the office the other day about his 'prince Albert is giving him trouble... What his watchchain has to do with the bathrooms I've no idea but there y'go!
  16. I bought mine off a mate for a tenner after his work bought him a new one! Need to know the way to Elvington Jack?
  17. looks like a peice of cake for you Adrian! Judging by your sterling work on your Sherman you could start with a wheelnut and rebuild something amazing... although the young family effect does tend dissolve any time for projects such as this... mine ensure i'm never "bored"!!!!
  18. I've got a nav man Nav-man-something or other does the job well enough...
  19. Hi Simon welcome nice wheels parking disk for the clubhouse carpark will be at reception with your locker key and clubhouse tie
  20. My old man has become soething of an omen of doom in the valley where he live as within the space of about 9 months he found a missing person at the end of his lane (she'd commited suicide by hanging herself under a bridge), found a man who'd died trying to change the wheel on hs car on the narrow valley road where he lives and another who had a heart attack moments before dad appeared and later died in hospital...
  21. yup... done looking forward to this...
  22. Nice... make a good camper... or even jeep transport... i'd imagine one could be slotted in the back the way they used to for motor racing in the old days
  23. Bodge Deep


    Snowing like mad here... settling too
  24. Cars are for nowt at the moment people can't give 'em away... I ran cars bought from the scrap yards for years. I regularly see excellent cars scrapped for the sake of a little bit of work. In fact i regularly see cars scrapped with current MOTs and some even taxed! ALL cars end up in the scrap yard anyway so they're only really worth scrap value!
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