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Bodge Deep

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Everything posted by Bodge Deep

  1. 3 days do not, a winter make! Keeps the press busy though!
  2. Nothing here... not a sniff... blue sky... feeling thoroughly cheated!
  3. thats because BMW drivers HAVE to overtake everything on the road and are as a result, always at the front... because they are all frustrated racing drivers... clearly we should always get out of their way bow to the wonder of teutonic engineering... until they're in the ditch... Wind down 2, 3 Laugh 2, 3, Laugh 2, 3, Laugh 2, 3, Drive on 2, 3
  4. damn that woman she's never here when she's needed... several of the guys are snowed out of home so are kipping down in the dining room and I heard rumblings about being able to see the bottom of the biscuit barrel... there'll be hell to pay if enigmas tuck box is raided
  5. Brilliant... that looks a good day, well spent! Isn't it a great feeling blasting through the snow in one of the oldest vehicles on the road watching all the bits of plastic clattering into each other? Cant resist whizzing around in the snow in the dodge... marvellous!
  6. Welcome to the booby hatch For the love of god help Jack fix his truck... its taking root! Oh and no, positively NO skidoos to be ridden into the clubhouse... have you seen the state of the carpet? Maureen'll have a fit when she comes in in the morning!
  7. Hi Steve Welcome to the friendly forum... Sounds like a nice truck Jack will have you clearing the copse soon to extend the carpark...
  8. For pressurising fuel? Just looking at the (what i asume are cooling fins) on the pump?
  9. about an inch and a half here still blowing about but not much... returning home yesterday the gritters were out in force on the way back on the M6
  10. Nice to meet up with some new faces and say hi briefly... Lee, Tim, Adrian, Steve & Lynne... Wash y'car Jack... dirty boy!
  11. Did you hear the alarm go off when Jack go his wallet out?
  12. The Curious case of Benjamin Beckett !
  13. ...In his 30's... for the second time
  14. Hey Elvis the second picture shows your truck in its natural environment... hahahahaha *bonk*
  15. Good job i'm not a vindictive man... ...otherwise I'd tell everyone about the "nice old lady" you bought your Jeep from big hands... adams apple etc
  16. The old kite copped one in the moter in a scrap with a 109 over the channel... oil and glycol everywhere... ....and as you can see it ruined my mascara!
  17. Ooooh you're a dead man Willyslancs... Damn comedy soap!
  18. Sounds like its building nicely. I'd just like to add also though, on a practical note that I recon a 5 day event is asking a lot... Given that it means most people will have to take a full week off work to attend all the event, not to mention the cost of running thirsty trucks for 5 days, plus travel to and from, will be prohibitive for many people (who may be feeling the pinch in the months to come). I am considering getting the truck down to this one as I'd love to do it, but couldn't stand the cost of running it round for 5 days. £400 to get it there say another £200 on fuel at least over 5 days plus food etc & I'm self employed so lost earnings as well. I think you may find that most attendees will only appear at the weekend. I know people set up for a week and more at W&P but that is primarily a static event and once you're there, you're there! I hope this dosen't come across as negative but I'd think carefully as it could be frustrating to organise runs, visits, displays etc to be attended by only a handfull of people... For what it's worth...
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