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Bodge Deep

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Everything posted by Bodge Deep

  1. Yeah but i betcha can't put a Rowntrees Fruit Pastel in your mouth without chewing it! (other chewy sweets are available!) Blooody amazing as ever Steve, y'make me sick... You should be writing a book
  2. 'cause no one else'll have me
  3. Count me in Elvis Put my tent up, make my tea, massage my feet... I can live with that!!!
  4. For repelling boarders on board a ship? Lob it over the side down through the bottom of the little boats & hey presto glub glub!
  5. Welcome George, pull up a jerrycan and tell us more... sounds like you have some nice vehicles...
  6. Yes, your procrastination would, I'm sure benefit somebody greatly... a garage most probably!
  7. Wot no idea!! teehee... I'll get me coat!
  8. Look at the state of this place, marks everywhere! Welcome to the cracker factory. Don't work about as Jack puts it "Englishing" (a perfectly cromulent word by the way) we have ways and means... Marmite, Typhoo and mushy peas!
  9. Not only does the left hand not know what the right is doing... the left is unaware that there is a right! I went through all this when I imported the Dodge... feels like banging your head against a wall whils simultaneously tearing your hair out and flogging a dead horse... The utter conviction that each department is right and the other is wrong is very frustrating!
  10. I will be (lying) on the road with it this afternoon!
  11. snowed hard most of the day but not settled... too wet
  12. Ahh cheers Adrian. I suppose that even whilst not under load (when floating) the tracks and running gear would still be under sufficient tension to drive the props around?
  13. Why the toothed rear idler wheel on the Courseulles DD? Never noticed that before on a DD Sherman... is it right... what's it for?
  14. belated congrats Andy a key to the clubhouse Stannah will be in your locker please don't use it for transporting engine blocks up n down stairs to the steam room... thats what the lifts are for!
  15. Welcome back Ken We have a 2.2 sidevalve GPW(intel) laptop running Windows '43 in the clubhouse for members to use but please remember to fill the jerrycan before booting up.
  16. Think its backed up at the moment... too much in the 'in tray' I'll let him sort it in the morning!
  17. And to think all it required was you getting off your bum, looking at the truck and following the good advice you'd been given repeatedly... who'da thought it!!!!
  18. "Hang on lads, I've got an idea..."
  19. love this picture... next years xmas card
  20. That's what I call having 'a right attitude' juss kiddin welcome back...
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