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Bodge Deep

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Everything posted by Bodge Deep

  1. now that travelling in style! I love the fur seat covers
  2. Wow... get 'em saved... I'm on me way!
  3. Hi bdodge yes I imported my 51 from Tromsoe about 5 years ago now. It has a rebuild plate on the engine from '64. It's a '44 model. The rear body was built by Jesse the Jeep and me about 8 months ago! Been swapping tyres over today... a set of NOS Goodyear bartreads came up on ebay just in the nick of time as the cloverleafs were beginning to give up the ghost! I know what you mean about the smile effect... still grin from ear to ear when driving mine even now
  4. Brilliant picture... Sure i can see Foy in the distance!
  5. Very nice indeed... They both look great to me...
  6. I don't get it! I'm only getting 1 to the gallon!
  7. Of course dodgy haricuts were derigeur back in the day... well when i was about 12... on the right!
  8. my truck won't staaaaaaaaaaaart maaaaaaaa, maaaaaaa
  9. "well the brakes WERE okay!"
  10. A demonstration of my new invention the 'wrecks-ray-camera' A camera that can see through restoration work and only shows up original body parts!
  11. the battered b*****rds of Blandford!
  12. at no point do you see what is PUSHING the meemie *cough cough-wrecker-cough*
  13. yeah a bugger... been on the cards for a while though... surprised the last one went ahead...

    still... others coming up to replace it...

  14. Nice find She looks good, nice that so many of the workshop fittings are still there
  15. Welcome Didz Pull up a Jerrycan, keep your hand on your wallet and don't touch Jacks biscuits... *cough, cough, coughDODGEcough, cough*
  16. My opinion is that the 'out in the field/in service' look is the most interesting... We all know what a spotless Jeep/a pristine Dodge/an Immaculate Lightweight Landy looks like... But for my money the research, imagination and effort in putting a vehicle into a historical context (this is how it looked at the Bulge or in the Bocage or Falklands or whatever) shows a greater appreciation of the purpose of the machine and the attitude of the men who used them. They weren't cherished or kept clean and in many cases actively disliked by the men who had to use them! However the 'judging' of military vehicles is a bit of a grey area as they mostly seem to be judged on the criteria applied to the restoration of vintage cars. How Shiny? How Straight? How perfect the Paint? One set of rules applied to a very different type of vehicle. How for example would you pick out the best vehicle from a jeep and e-type and a Model T-Ford? The original paint finish on a model T is shocking... sprayed in dusty sheds with very crude equipment... do you replicate that... or go for the perfect "35k Merecdes" finish? Trim finish on older Jags could be crap but do you ever see that in restored ones? No & a Jeep could've been transported on the open deck of a ship to to arrive at its destination stormlashed salted and beginning to rust already! I've been to car shows and even taken part (never won though lol!) but judges don't seem to like to see spent 30cal shells rolling about on the floor, crushed k ration boxes, webbing slung from any available protruberences... they just see mess! "ooh lets pick the glossy shiny Landrover parked over mirrors so you can see there's no muck in the wheelarches" go figure!
  17. I'll have another doubler scotch, he'll have the same and I think Daphne has had enough!
  18. Excellent! I like the way the news team used nice original footage at the beginning of the peice... ...of a Superfortress D'oh!
  19. So long as i can have the first two weeks in June evey year you're on... I think I can see a potential problem with this
  20. Excellent! Public spirited to the last! Dib-Dib-Nab!!
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