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Bodge Deep

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Everything posted by Bodge Deep

  1. ... so not a hot water tank then?
  2. undesirable elements... bring out the water cannon!
  3. Welcome fire away with the questions... Oh and a fortnights KP detail for the first person to mention THAT bloke!
  4. Yeah looks like a 'bitsa' to me... nicely done though
  5. I can beleive that as most modern music makes my skin crawl anyway!!!
  6. 1 RR Merlin or multiples therof 2 A multibank or radial Sherman starting up 3 The Dodge starting on the 1st turn of the engine after 2 months in the garage (on 6volts) 4 the gut wrenching mashing of teeth of a jeep starter churning over and over and over on 12volts after electronic ignition and a total rebuild by a 'volt nazi' 5 A Gibson Les Paul through a very, very large valve amplifier!
  7. Wasn't the script F on ford jeeps components Henrys response to not being able to mark his own vehicles?
  8. Welcome Uroš Being a student and an MV owner are probably not mutually exclusive but if you are a keen drinker lay off it for a while as you may only get scrap value for your kidneys and therefore only be able to afford a wreck or Jacks truck if you're a serious drinker!
  9. Take a seat... drinks trolley on its way!
  10. I dont think glass would be too much of a problem frames can rot out at the bottom once water gets in... My mate bought a second frame and turned the top of the second one into a new bottom for the first one... if you get me!
  11. Good on them (the vets and NVA) they stood up for what was right then (even if it was hard) and they're still doing it now... Bloody well done!
  12. welcome... school pickups are great fun
  13. Welcome... Excellent... another fan of the deadly lamps and stoves... pressurised fuel and fire...mmmm wonderful!!
  14. Bought the series the other week on DVD. It is really very good... well worth getting.
  15. Welcome.. and as they say J ust E mpty E very P ocket!
  16. I used to have a tiger... great fun
  17. Welcome Sounds like a nice bike... Sorry about the puncture... but well done for taking out a BMW
  18. The Dodge driver enjoying the jeep convoy drivepast
  19. Welcome Jerry Another member in Kendal eh? I'm not the only one now!!! Today Kendal... tommorrow the world!
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