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Bodge Deep

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Everything posted by Bodge Deep

  1. Some people have no shame!! Coming to an event near you soon playing greensleeves and doling out 99's
  2. A very good show indeed I'm very sorry that i bothered to pay attention to the weather forecast as it was F**kin WRONG! Still managed a visit in the car though
  3. gotta say i've seen much worse masquerading as the real thing lol not a bad effort
  4. I concur Dr. Deuce the case, it seems, is likely to become full blown MV dependance anytime now. The early symptoms are plain to see and will no doubt develop look at this random pattern tell me what you see
  5. Well as usual the fates have conspired to F**k everything up so looks like I may not be there after all ... deeply pi--ed off... hope the weather forecast improves!
  6. yes I'll have village crammed with aircraft in no time I'll leave the landing light on... ...I'll get me coat
  7. I used to have a 44 dated british one in its crate with all its accessories and bits but could never the the thing to work ;(
  8. your wife goes to guides and you build models all day how old are you again?
  9. does this mean you are now a rivet counter
  10. Hippy!! Seriously though, hope you have a great time, I've never made it there yet... but will...
  11. Probably just as well you weren't there... Thumping the client for bending your plane first time out dosen't make for repeat orders!!
  12. Welcome we need someone to keep the wreckers in order the carpark looks like a hippo's watering hole!
  13. sea wall for brigelayers to practice on?
  14. Greetings (tugs forelock) pull up a chair... help yerself to a custard cream
  15. Well if the first award was posthumous, I don't see why this years couldn't be? After all its a lot of big toys in a little field.
  16. They are a bugger to get off if they've been on a while... I resorted to page 1 of the 'dangerous book for boys' but wouldn't recommend that!! 3 900x16's at 8 feet in the air is quite a spectacle though! However a slightly less life threatening method which works... A let ALL the air out first B loosen the outer ring bolts until the bolts are about quarter to half an inch from the ring all the way round but still fully threaded C put the air line back on D leave the room quickly with the extension lead & plug for the compressor E wait for the 'clang' as the ring separates from the rim F disconnect the compressor and let the air out of the tyre again once the ring has come away from the rim you'll then need to break the bead... petrol creeps nicely betwixt tyre and rim... either use a bread breaker or leap up and down on the tyres like a wild thing weilding pry bars and jemmys swapped over loads of rims this way now... not quite to formula 1 pit crew speed yet but about 5/10 mins a tyre...
  17. Poor old Pontiac... they did make some lovely cars back in the 40's n 50's... but then most of the US manufacturers were making nice stuff... up to about 1960... after that hmmm 'not so much' Mind you some of the new mechanical mutants sporting the Dodge badge make me want to wretch!
  18. always liked these things... daft but fun!
  19. okay enough with the silliness... Is it a charging set / starting set for oooh i dunno a tank?
  20. Aww bless...my school stands on the site of the assembly plant at Windermere... and no there aren't any left at the bottom of the lake... they're all in my garage!
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