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Bodge Deep

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Everything posted by Bodge Deep

  1. He'd need a s0dding big tractor to snag that and drag it out from under the ground! Some fairly clumsy cloning and photoshopping but it'd be a nice find!
  2. wow quite a find... To umackern a property, which was used since 1937 only as meadow, it came to a rare find. As the farmer with the umpflügen meadow, a large jerk that suddenly felt its tractor to stands brought. After the first assumptions the plow to a stone or rock hooked themselves, notice it after short time, which nothing else as Sherman a M4 of the 101st US-Infantry regiment from the Second World War its bottom plate to stands brought. To the first salvage attempts, a still nearly intact tank showed up. After the narrations ältern of the generation a farmer boy from Dörfles with a Panzerfaust in March 1945, which he had found in the forest, must, which shot Sherman M40 the chain up. The tank is itself then, probably by a mechanical defect, so for a long time in the circle turned to it entrenched itself. The crew fled, since they feared a further attack.... for those of us that dont speak german
  3. "Fubar" "Yawl got that right" "I looked up 'Fubar' it's not on the jukebox listing" "Upham get back over there and look for anything by the Village People"
  4. happy birthday watch for snapper hes been on the blue pills... nod and smile and don't make eye contact
  5. sounds like a good evening was had by all... hope the throbbing head has eased... and the hangovers gone *ahem* cheque please!
  6. aaah yes I remember it well

    Hell of a rig

    how goes the work on the trailer?

  7. Happy birthday ol' horse From the librarian!
  8. Even better... get a 262 and drag the kettentrad round the garden!
  9. Hi Neil welcome sounds like your aiming for the big stuff parking in the club carpark is, well, wherever the hell you like I guess!
  10. very good looking forward to this event... albeit without me truck still, I'll be hanging round the flight control trailer which will be fun 'n' watching jessie getting on the sherman... he'll do it all wrong... he won't kick anyone or anything!
  11. Welcome Oli or should that be oily? Buy an MV and you soon will be! Get a kettentrad and start dragging a 262 round your garden you know you want to... what fun!!!
  12. how is it that this can run scale or relatively scale hamilton props when a lot of other models have to make do with 2 blade props? Is it to do with the radials?
  13. Welcome sounds like quite a garage full i'll set up the overhead projector in the function room and we can all have a look after dinner That's if jack has finished using the room for his aerobics class
  14. righto boss! I'll put me Rinemaiden's costume back in the wardrobe then!
  15. yeah steve borrowed me WD40... never saw it again!!
  16. Combat Crew by John Comer A wartime recollections by a USAAF B17 top turret gunner/f/engineer... Gripping
  17. Welcome Ian My brothers - mates - father drove a Queen Mary during the war, I'll see if he can dig up any images
  18. so a 432 mobile catering truck then?
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