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Bodge Deep

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Everything posted by Bodge Deep

  1. I think diesel is always higher 'cause we now all drive diesel cars
  2. i use one of the online price comparison sites but to be honest its nearly always ASDA
  3. Size isn't everything Jack...
  4. Bit of a low turn out this year... I always thought W&P was a big event
  5. Welcome Mike from a fellow '51 owner... there's a few of us here... someone will no doubt be along shortly to help... or go through you're pockets..! Dodge parking is on the flowerbeds at the right of the clubhouse door and any jeep space you like
  6. USAAF Proceedure on aircraft radials was to rotate them by hand periodically... but not sure how you'd do it on armoured vehicles short of turning over without ignition...
  7. "RESPECT is in fact the keyword here! Respect between re-enacters, collectors and MV people. BUT most of all respect to those who fought and died in those uniforms and gear!" Well said Enigma... that does it for me!
  8. If you look at about 1min50seconds you'll see George Formby walk past the camera ... well PE Casper a George Formby Impersonator...and a bloody good one too!!
  9. ! always fancied having a go at making crap circles, just like crop circles but not as good!
  10. Dropped off my brother at the airport this morning who has gone to Malta for the week with the family. Any recommendations of interesting places to visit given the islands military career/significance... he's a ginner like me so sunbathing aint his style...! cheers
  11. What can I tell you... ...apart from if he'd said 'please' just once I might've moved!
  12. The weather was kind... sporadically! But overall good! The event is lovely, very friendly and relaxed and a good selection of people and vehicles... There was even a genuine '02 BMW M3 (complete with original tw@t behind the wheel) who tried to force his way into the parade between me and the pipes and drums as he wanted to 'go shopping' then decided actually he needed to 'visit his wife in hospital' or some bullsh1t! When i refused to shift the Dodge (as the road was closed and I was supposed to be a rolling roadblock and road was about 8deep on either side) he threatened to drag me out of the truck and move it himself... but I don't think "Yeah... F**kin' try it" in perfect stereo from me and my brother was really the response he was expecting! Honestly people eh? Still he got a very loud booing and jeering from the crowd who were watching... It's amazing how slowly you can make a WC51 crawl when you put your mind to it But apart from that it was great fun!!!
  13. look out for me and jessie the jeep (he's already set off)... A chequered black and white Flying Control Dodge and a "Follow Me" Jeep in the Falls Cafe field amongst the other displays... come and say hi
  14. Yes it is I'm off there in an hour or so...
  15. Yes they were used by HG units and regulars in training Got a couple myself of wartime ones and a WW1 one ARP used them too for attack and a bell for 'all clear'
  16. Nice one This is in the '44 Dodge Parts catalogue
  17. Ahh bless the BMW driver... where would we be without him?
  18. I think it's very easy to look at someone elses vehicle and say to yourself "I wouldn't've done that" or "that's wrong" but one thing is frequently over looked in that owning a particular vehicle or type of vehicle dosen't necessarily make the owner an expert on the subject... sometimes they just don't know something is wrong... they don't always respond well to a gentle prod but hey, it's their toy! There's also a tendancy to over egg the pudding (ie stick too many accessories to a vehicle) but again i think this is as much a case of the owners only seeing their vehicle as a stand alone display rather than part of a movement... by the time you've walked past the 20th jeep with a .30 and a .50 and an M1 and a Carbine and a Thompson and a bustle rack and a coke bottle opener on the dash and a hershey bar on the passenger seat and a canvas bucket off the pintle and a baseball mitt on the spare wheel you tend to think that the differences are the only way the owners can tell them apart! But its not as daft as it sounds as you could stand a classic car show and say "oh mines the metallic BLUE split screen beetle" you couldn't really say "oh yes mines the green one with the star on the bonnet"!!!! "all different... in the same way"
  19. Wow they really did think of everything those Huns advance 50 yards into no mans land and stop for a pint
  20. Its the new urban metrosexual stealth camo... it dosen't show up on gaydar!
  21. "Police have described this man as very dangerous and should not be approached" You weren't going back to find the 20p you dropped at the service station were you?
  22. I remember seeing the sherman shell at W&P years ago with a smoke grenade or some such going off inside it... looked very authentic
  23. thats some bad luck still, better a failure under test than...
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