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Bodge Deep

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Everything posted by Bodge Deep

  1. Yes well done Lee a brilliant get together Hope your lads feeling better
  2. Wasps are bad at the moment, my 3 year old got stung on the ear yesterday...hoooooowl !!!!
  3. You did immerse yourself in the role... good work How did the .50 crates work out?
  4. Not forgetting... heard more than once by husbands through gritted teeth to wives trailing behind in the dust and debt "I told you you'd be bored"
  5. I think a silent version may be the best option
  6. Very sad... soon the Great war will be out of living memory and feels further away than ever now
  7. Welcome Matt! Airfix wow, very cool sounding job, tell us more
  8. There is indeed... I filmed the whole thing but it runs to about 20 mins!! However the moment at which she gives him the mirror was worth the 320 mile journey alone!!!!
  9. Just for the record we procured not only a hairdresser at about one hours notice, but one who is a bloomin' good hand with the flashing blade and arrived tooled up to scalp him good and proper... but at first sight of the 'lug lopper' he came over all unreasonable and freaked out... He seemed to think that people may not take him seriously with no hair rather than a 5 o'clock shadow round his melon! I'd like to say A VERY, VERY BIG THANKS to Michaela from Edelweisss Vintage Hair Design who turned up at almost no notice, A did a fantastic job, B put up with our flapping and running around to get as many of us in one place as possible, C Jacks unconsolable sobbing, D gave him a drink to calm his nerves and E managed to resist the urge to do what most of us were thinking when the blade came out... She also donated the payment that we were insisting she took for her most odeous and unpleasant task to the OMOTB campaign... You're a Star Thank you
  10. Jack now loses less time in his busy schedule by running his fingers through his flowing locks... saved hours
  11. Very sad, a great ambassador for a great generation
  12. shouldn't it be rust inhibitor if its going on a champ...? sorry cheque please
  13. anytime i see signs for preston now i always think the 'e' has dropped off the end of the sign!
  14. bloody hell... gonna be quiet then!!!
  15. Welcome Andy from a bit further up t'road!
  16. celt... CELT!!!! I've been called some things in my time... most of them sound like celt admittedly...
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