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Bodge Deep

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Everything posted by Bodge Deep

  1. Sounds good... I think I've got Cumbrian Airfields somewhere definately which you can borrow if y'like. Funnily enough GWT I saw that manual a few weeks ago and nearly bought ... no really I nearly did! Just on with Tumult in The Sky about a USAAF fighter pilot who transferred from the Eagle Squadron to fly Thunderbolts with the 4th FG... a good read...
  2. Welcome Frank No don't sit down there's a pair of overalls on the peg by the door and some guys in the clubhouse carpark who will no doubt want your help/advice... we'll get maureen to bring you out a brew in a little while... enjoy
  3. Lets hope they don't bottle it at the last stage and fit tracks from something else more readily available as it's so good it'd be a shame to see it let down by incorrect running gear. Hats off to them though it might have the wrong engine buy by 'eck it looks smart!
  4. Yes that's definately domestic camo, spouse-proof 1st pattern i'd say!
  5. So whats happening to it? Awaiting restoration? Just been discovered? Is it for sale etc etc?
  6. Before the crash on the forum i posted some photos of my dads sawbench. It looks remarkably close to the last few picture although his is a petrol flat twin aircooled and is on Fairey Swordfish wheels n tyres... I'll take some pics of it when i'm up there next if anyones interested... dont' think its for sale though, he's been using it for clearing his woodland and firewood for years
  7. Damn shame, hope no one was hurt and there's not too much lost.
  8. Skeeyooze me I didn't got cause i couldn't get my hair dry!! Bodge Deep, ITN, Cumbria, back to you in the st' *glub* *gurgle*
  9. 323.5... I'm sure there's sommat else i'm supposed to be doing!!
  10. Bodge Deep


    A lot of flooding hereabouts (Kendal) The river through mum and dads garden at a 40 year high yesterday about 5 feet up... coming straight through the garden instead of round it!
  11. Welcome Heliduster Guess you're not doing too much flying at the moment!! I'm in Kendal and its hammering down! If it keeps up I'm going to take two of every animal...
  12. Yup one born every minute I've got the original copy of the bible signed by Jesus and God... wonder if he wants to buy that?
  13. The golden rule seems to be if you're gonna buy a helmet... ...take Enigma with you he knows his s**t!
  14. Thats a lovely peice of work Looks like the thumb and the govenor have met before!
  15. Yep WWII US Army Leather cased too so more likely wartime than later (went over to canvas bag later on) Nice
  16. On my various meanderings I came across these on Sunday. They are 20 Inch Wheels n tyres. Dunno what they're off but they look solid enough still and are only a sandblast and lick of paint away from being useable. They're dumped with a load of crap on waste ground between Kendal and Lancaster. They may be of use to someone here before they get slung on the scrap pile. The tyres are Dunlop Track Grip 14.00 x 20 T24C/2 PM me and I'll let you know where if they are of interest. They aren't mine or anything to do with me but i can put you in touch with the site owners. There's 2 of 'em
  17. Don't forget the knob of butter
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