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Everything posted by griff66

  1. ferret back together getting the cross brace back in was hard work had to jack mv and put taper on bolts still all ok got it running all ok then wanted to see if u can start it with a starting handle and u can quite satisfying !!!
  2. like the conversation about the rad hoses would not hurt to warm up belts to make a bit more compliant.
  3. your link for forms does not work,and good idea to tell people not familiar with the collection where it is.
  4. right have today fixed leak as i hoped it was the union on top of fuel pump that was loose managed to do all of job from engine bay deck off, cross beam out, servo out, and oilcooler off,13/16 stubby spanner for pipe union and old stretched 1/2 witworth for union into pump , got about 1/8 turn on it ,leak no more!!! (no more people coming up to me at shows saying i can smell petrol! now got to grease the u/j underneath it looks a bit dry.
  5. me i would get sturdy stands either side of ferret 4/5 adults and lift it on approx weight 400 pounds. u could slide it up scaffold planks.:cool2:
  6. if you bid on these far as i can tell you are bidding in sterling, having just done the inside of my ferret which now looks as good inside as these two ferrets and mine has more ces kit these have no radios etc he even mentions engine restored cosmetically ie lick of paint ! think they are a bit steep in price :cool2:( just had a look again at the inside and mine looks better)
  7. pleased to say did not swear in front of the kids just went quiet as the waves of pain throbbed thru my finger tip!!
  8. cheers , once i get a crows foot i can check tighten the union hopefully its that, if not engine deck off cross brace remove oil cooler etc for access.
  9. noticed to day that fuel pump is leaking !hopefully its the lwr union on the pipe between pump and carb as that looks wet otherwise pump replacement / over haul, one question can the fuel contaminate the oil?
  10. It does not feel if got off lightly !!!
  11. well just got from my very first military show as a exhibitor at martells, excellent day good organization from mark and good show from martells all going fine some friends turned up with young kids so let them , well lifted them into front hatch ,having great fun they were , pulling levers pushing pedals untill one of those levers was the handle of a side hatch, two of my fingers in hatchway ! hatch did not slam cause my fingertips were in the bloody way........ FERRET FINGER!!!!!!!
  12. unfortunately for all the honest ebayers , some have rather dubious morals..
  13. well there is still the same amount listed , is this all going to be removed? big revenue loss for ebay?
  14. blue hylomar 3.25 pounds on ebay.
  15. the ones i have used are nothing like 60=1 more 4 or 5 to 1 ie 100ft pounds in, 400 out.
  16. im sure with some wood and a g clamp could rig up something that locks steering wheel in place?
  17. go along with what richard says i,m just starting on this ferret thing!!!
  18. yep theres a problem ! from the vid does look like hub rather than steering
  19. look on you tube , under boston dynamics big dog , very cool.
  20. the way these things work is gearing you for instance put 50 foot pounds in, at business end 200 foot pounds output use them a lot on aircraft engine mounts 777 eng final torque on rear bolts from memory is about 350 foot pounds limited access so you would use a torque multiplyer 80 footpound fairly easy to achieve at output 350 etc.:cool2:
  21. welcome tim , i have a 64 ferret, paul.
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