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Everything posted by griff66

  1. has any one got any tips for removing the thermostat from its housing without :cool2: destroying it ?
  2. i put a jack under ferret which helped align cross brace bolts, all moved again when i had rear amour off so i could pressure wash rad runs a bit cooler next step take take out thermostat see what it temp it runs at then.:cool2:
  3. on ebay recently saw a ww2 thermos flask go for 75 quid!!
  4. good luck with the ferret , looks a very handy trailer as well
  5. just spoken to richard underwood at vosa he says testing for things like ferrets which are classed as a motor tractors will start 1 jan 2012 all very confusing !!
  6. ah px24 seem to remember the raf covering there helicopters in the stuff.
  7. griff66


    they are a good bunch all round dad and son.
  8. i take it a british one would have l4a4 stamped on it any other differences between a south african and a british version.?
  9. whats a fair price for a 7.62 bren gun?
  10. bugger i,ve got to work tonight ! ferret ep90 in the wheel hubs /outer tracta joints, inner tracta joint/bevel boxes..
  11. i have started my b60 from warm with starting handle very easy from cold not so , i suggest do it once prove you can do it and then well thats why they invented starters !!!starting handles can bite back.:cool2:
  12. probably best to post a pic of the history cards.
  13. make it a mk 1/2 best of both worlds !!
  14. cheers mate currently 36 all round new it was softer at front, water for me and ferret ! will post pics later today>
  15. seem to have mislaid tire px figures for the ferret ,doing a 75 mile round trip to amberly sunday so would like to get figures correct any one got the info ??
  16. have just sent a email for price for the ferre t
  17. the ferret ones have the buttons on the side
  18. had a good day sat at the bunker bash, lots to see bought some bits had a look round the bunker. When you think about the bunkers intended role, quite a depressing place. Lots and lots of landrovers no ferrets!,one exhibitor had a very nice landrover in a ambulance role lots of kit on display and willing to chat about it all, over heard some loon saying to him that he quite fancies walking down his high-street with the guys vickers machine gun he had on display !! the arena displays bring the vehicles alive , and big respect to the reinactors looks like a lot of hard work digging those trenches!
  19. looks like its going to be a great day should get there around ten.:cool2:
  20. can some one tell me am coming up with- out ferret ,what time do gates open on sat sun seems that info is missing from bb website ! ((and gate fees ) thanks paul.
  21. i tried to take my ferret to a show at osney farm in blindly heath a few weekends ago was told no way late entry etc we have over a hundred mvs booked in no more room etc , well i went as a member of joe public and there were 16 military vehicles there !!
  22. http://www.mod-sales.com/thumb/phpThumb.php?src=../images/product/1273749462Dunlop%209.00x16%20trakgrip.jpg&w=400&h=340&zc=1&fltr[]=wmi|../images/over.png|CBR|100 withams home page under direct sales here is pic.
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