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Everything posted by mash

  1. I have bought my ww2 ones off ebay, one from America and one from Germany. i believe they have a fair few as i saw other nets from the same sellers popping up every now and then.
  2. The army put the cap on at about 15t because they wanted to play it safe and have smaller repair costs, i have been told the system will lift around 20t happly and could go to 25 at a push but that would run the risk of damaging the system.
  3. R.I.P Marc, my thoughts for his friends and family, very sad indeed.
  4. mash

    What to buy

    Definatly a nice M8, with a good workshop for her
  5. Has got the op nestegg sign on it so has been to guernsey for the 65th liberation.
  6. They may cut out but that is alot better than a hose going pop, i have seen this when we using an old volvo forks to lift and move several hysters, the back tyres of the volvo barely made a mark in the soft sand tho:nut:
  7. I was under the impression all of the britsh resperaitors from ww2 had asbestos in them, including the civilian issued ones. Unsure of the other countries.
  8. Very jealous, I cant wait to see it finished.
  9. I do like the M8s and wish i could afford one.
  10. Maybe be we should show them how easy it is to get brass from UXO's eh that mite reduce our problems:D
  11. Have you got all of the support brackets that go with it, that is only half the kit.
  12. I Have seen a lot more jimmy's with twice that hanging off.
  13. If you are doing this for a brake test there is a much easier way of doing this. there is a load sensing valve i think between the 3rd and 4th axle, you can simulate weight by using a bungee. If that is what you need i will try and get you some pics of how its done. that is a much easier and less fuel consumption way of doing it. Mash.
  14. Saturday one stolly on a low loader with two tractors on the M25. Also found this being used as a gate guard
  15. periscope/night scope maybe.
  16. Mossie Net is a big one depending where i am going, a decent knife and an axe are always handy too.
  17. The doctor deployed the paint brush to camouflage the tardis.
  18. You could try putting a bolt in and running it, mite solve it.
  19. Hey Dave i bet you can't get another inch further forward........go on Dave..... go on Dave, hey .... Dave no b@lls, nooo b@lls Dave. Mike shut the F*** up before I beat you, Dave slowly in to reverse there we go, nice and easy.
  20. It could of just got caught up in it, when i removed a core plug on my dodge engine i fished around and found a length of wire about 6" in there, no idea how it got in there. The mysterys of military vehicles eh.
  21. I would always change the oil complete rather than mix them as you don't know the properties, then at least if it is the wrong oil in there now you will rectify it before any damage may happen.
  22. Snorkles are fitted to various wolfs at my unit, but none of them fully waterproofed and i do believe that the newer ones are designed to help filter larger particals of dust.
  23. Make sure that the MP's are there. On the air base have some paratroopers lined up ready for a jump?
  24. mash


    Scimitars are still in use, they shipped some out to Germany from the UK to do a two week range package.
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