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    mv's, photography,vehicle mechanics
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  1. hi here's two photos one from the military and flying of a winter landrover and the other is clives shorland from the war and peace show dave
  2. daveo

    a question

    hi all when i go to shows i take a lot of photos wile iam am there is it ok to upload them as the mvs are not mine daveo
  3. just taking a healthy intrest as i cant drive at the moment for all my sins. Hopefuly i will get sorted out in the near feature so i can be a proud owner of a humber pig or a landrover lightweight s2a. clive sounds odd to say but i think a spoke to you about your shoreland at the war and peace show this year.
  4. Hi all. i,am new to this so sorry if this is not great. on ebay says it's a mk 2 pig but some thing looks wrong or missing armour_W0QQitemZ170371381025QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_3?hash=item27aaecf721&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14 daveo
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