Hi All, I just found this thread with wonderful pictures of a kitted
Comms Body for Rb44.
Myself I have a Rb44 with Comms Body that was kitted out for BMETS- Battlefield Meterological System.
And also for this type there were two different layouts in one regiment. BMETS were used two vehicles each Artillery regiment.Mine was for example with 3RHA here in Hohne, Germany.
Pictured here is one of a few BATES fittings. Battlefield Artillery Target Engagement System.
Means that is was a Artillery Command Post.
Main feature of this was the BATES terminal (Ruggedised Computer) which is mounted on the table with the slides.
The messages were then fed into the system via VHF connection. In this case 353s with DMUs.
BATES cabins had different numbers of antennaes, so you can distinguish different versions.
BATES was also installed in 432s, but just in armoured regiments. The rb44s were used for light gun regiments.
So that is how i see the story.
By the case , I am always searching for parts that fit into the cabin, as mine was stripped almost completly.
If anyone has something to offer?
Thanks for the pics.
Would it be possible to get closer pictures of the notices on the MAPBOARD?
Best Regards