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Everything posted by ferretfixer

  1. Yes Crows Foot still is the In Service Colloquial name for the Arrow (Pheon) 😊
  2. Just a snippet of information. The Correct term for the WD Arrow is a 'Pheon'. As we live in a sad politicly correct age now, I thought that might be 'Appropriate' (?)...😁
  3. Isn't it Nice, When old 'Friends' come Home?...….😏
  4. ALL Small Arm's were 'Personal Issue' & still are to this day in British Service.
  5. The No.1 burner was an excellent item of equipment, IF maintained & looked after PROPERLY! As an Armourer, all cookers also fell under our auspices of inspection & repairs Etc. In practice however, if you had a good & experienced cook. They usually kept these things going in the Field very well indeed! Only if they could nor fix/ correct a burner, would they come to us for assistance. IE: It then needed a repair necessitating a spare part Etc. Or they hadn't got the correct tools to execute an in depth repair. The main problems with nearly all Petrol Stoves & burners. Was the main jet getting clogged up. This was due in the main, to small bit's of debris being introduced into the burners main tank. When filling the tanks from Jerry cans. Small bit's of the red lead paint liner in these cans / containers. Were the main culprit! Easy rectified with a strip & clean & fresh clean petrol!
  6. But at the end of the Day, I'm sure simply Bruce doesn't give a Toss! His Salary from this program put's him in a position of: 'Laughing all the way to the Bank'!...…. Easy to simply make things up, but time spent of genuine Historical research. Is most praiseworthy & The only Correct way to go! We are ALL ambassador's of our hosen hobby. & simply custodians of Historical Artefact's. That when minded to restore them accurately & truthfully. Will in some cases, the only unique reference point/ item that remains on earth. But I guess that pounds are all that counts on the table for 'Some' Folks?.....
  7. Was it the One Hitler kept His other Ball in?...…….
  8. I have a couple of Propane Operated Crow Scarers for sale. PM if of interest.
  9. Just wondering. Has anyone picked up any further Intel on the Supposed 'Buried Nazi gold Train'? Just asking 😀
  10. Yes indeed! Had I known it was going to be sold at such a low price. I would have bid on it myself. The reason being, at a show. I could have one of the Krakas's in it's folded in half position. To show how they collapsed for air transportation! They run on a BMW twin Motor cycle engine, & are very quiet on the move! I get around Beltring / Major Vehicle Shows on mine. As they are small & very easily manoeuvrable. The size / thickness of the chains that drive each rear wheel hub. Have to be seen to be believed! Talk about German over engineering! LOL
  11. Yes that is about right for an auction room! I would say the six grand is more their worth, I own one of these little vehicles. & you cant put a price on the 'Fun Value' you get from them!
  12. way too cheap! The last one sold by Christie's there a few years back. Made over nine Grand! They fetch a lot more in Germany, approx six grand is about average.
  13. Hi Gas, Yes I understand your comments on the above. However, I feel I have to add. After Military Service, I worked in the UK Defence Manufacturing Sector for 12 years. & I can tell you for a FACT. That the MOD & Other 'Government Agencies', DO get ripped off by products sold to them!..... As I stated previously, SOME products cost Pennies to MANUFACTURE. But.....The price they are sold on for is Far wide of the mark of a 'Fair' Profit!.....My Ex Boss, when questioned by Me, on 'How do you come up with a price that you 'Retail' then R**'? He replied: ' You get your cost of materials & actual manufacturing costs together. Add 20 Per cent & Double the figure'!......I can cite MANY examples of refurb mark up's that also gained a large 'Profit' in a similar way. The profit bearing no resemblance to a Fair mark up!..... Again, in the VAST amount of these attachments made, that I would like. The original manufacturing costs would be low. Considering they were churned out in their thousands. I have seen similar (But not the same products) sold at present in Germany in 2 Kilo Batches. & they cost no where near what these are up for! I feel you are absolutely right though, in your comment regarding. 'If you want it, one has to pay for it'!.....🙄
  14. Yes indeed Al! I am pleased to hear you are on the Mend Mate!
  15. When you add in 22 Euros for postage. That then makes them 5.10 Euros each. And at a Total of Euros 49 for ten, it's not so cheap!......I would say they were worth a Euro each, when you consider that originally. They were made in their thousands. They would have cost Pennies to manufacture. It is the cost of postage that kills it! As I only need four or five at most, it becomes expensive!
  16. Hello Buddy, Yes. They are load restraint anchor fittings I need. The ones shown are the ideal choice, they are for my Bundeswehr Trailer. These fittings slide in a track, Exactly the same way as the ones shown in your link to Devon 4 x 4 offerings. Can you see how expensive these are now? £10 quid for a Pair, make the one's in Germany at Euro 29 for Ten, look 'Cheap' by comparison! 😲 Other than the ones shown on the Devon site. The others are totally unsuitable I'm afraid. Thank you for looking for Me though. If you think/ see anything that looks similar to the one's in my Photo. They are they ideal ones! Cheers! Mike. 👍
  17. Hello Guys! Does anyone have, or know where I can obtain some of the following? They are load securing fittings, that slide in a track. I have seen some on Ebay Germany, but they are VERY expensive for some reason? & when you add postage on top, well. Forget it! Anyone help at all please? Many Thanks in advance: Mike.
  18. When the Rotating Turreted Ferrets (MK.II, 4 Etc.) Were converted from mounting .30" Cal M1919 MGs. To 7.62mm L34 GPMG's. The conversion ALSO had a replacement Ammo can holding tray. These are EASILY identified at a glance, as they have a Terry clip riveted on the top left. This was to hold the Allen key, that went into the new GPMG Hard Mount to hold the gun securely. The .30" Cal Can holding tray does NOT have this clip installed. The cut outs that accept each type of ammo can are also DIFFERENT Sizes! The 7.62mm Can holding tray. has a SMALLER opening /Cut out. To accept the BROWN Postwar 7.62mm Ammo Cans.
  19. Because in most of these provided facility firms Richard. YOU, as an organiser. Would have to book & rent the Portable provided Toilets Etc. After all, it IS a Rented Equipment Provider, like Marquees, Plant Equipment rental, skips Etc. No? There are quite a few People that Rent a porta-Loo Toilet at the W&P show for their own use themselves.
  20. Yes Duke, I am aware I am not in the Minority with the Points I raised above! I almost forgot! It was irritating also, to having to put up with the individuals, (Being polite there!) & the groups of People Hanging off of vehicles. That simply HAD to fire 'Burst's' of Machine Gun Fire, from Gas Firing MGs, Every time they passed us on the perimeter tracks. In the apparent display of: 'Look, My 'Organ' is bigger than YOUR 'Organ', behaviour. Well that is how it came across to Me! I had my trusty Friend & Companion, my Dog with Me at the show. & the poor old Lad was terrified each time this happened. & He scuttled into the back of my Trucks Radio shelter, each time this happened! I saw other Pets at the show also, in the time I was there (19th-29th) & some of them too, were visibly scared! The strange thing was, My Dog was not scared by the explosion's in the Arena Battles? but that May be because it was a Lot Further from where we were pitched?
  21. 7 out of Ten for Me. I was VERY annoyed, to find,that you were NOT allowed to peg out/ mark your own area. 🤬 Prior to the 19th, & when arriving at 10am on the 19th, observed LOTs & LOTs of areas already pegged out! NO WAY in the world, could that amount of pitches. Could have been marked out & pegged in Two hours, even if you said that 'People' had started at 8am, as a reasonable starting time! I struggled to get the space area I wanted, in the same spot as I had last year! I know that others had similar 'difficulties' as I had over this!..🤒 It would seem, there were a lot of 'The favoured Few; so to speak! 😡 But overall, as this is my Annual Holiday due to personal Circumstance's. & I made the best that I could from the show. Yes it was VERY Hot & dusty for sure! But that was certainly NOT the Organiser's fault! ☀️ And some other gripe's were, that it was VERY clearly stated on the webpage for the show, regarding NO private selling upon pain of a Dealer fee for your pitch! No Vehicle speed strict 5 mph, NO children on quadbikes./motorbikes!..... ALL of these 'Strict' Rulings were CONSTANTLY abused / ignored from start to finish of the show!!! It was very annoying to be showered is dust from speeding vehicles going past each time... That was Unessacary & inconsiderate towards all exhibitor's! It was uncomfortable enough in the Heat. Without having to be covered in dust showers each time a speeding vehicle passed by! Other than that, will I go back again next year. Despite all of the above points? Yes I would. But NOT before having a 'word' on the phone with the organiser about marking out a pitch for myself! If He can do it for 'The favoured Few', then He can Damm well do it for ME!!!!!......
  22. Agreed, But. If insufficient people paid to use them. Who do you think would end up paying for them? It would be taken out of the entry 'Fees' from all who entered vehicles. & if the show owner felt He wasn't making enough out of us already. Do you think He might increase the entry fees? The show owner would not want to 'absorb' the fees from His Profits?...
  23. Hello Murfster. Yes they are dark inside with the door shut. However, mine has the original lighting fitted, as well as the twin wall heaters. They were made originally with the one small rear door window fitted. For tactical applications in the field. With the blanking panel on the rear door, it was a simple matter to fit this & completely 'Black out' the trailer from emitting any light during night time hours. Mine served with a UK Yeomanry unit, so saw little traveling use in Service!
  24. I also have one of these magnificent trailers! I have fitted bunk bed's in mine, & used the former bench shelf for the base of the bottom bunk! I like the side windows in yours, a very nice addition & will let in a lot more light. & also allow viewing outside at shows. When the weather is inclement, & you are safely ensconced in the dry! Nicely done Sir!
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