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Everything posted by ferretfixer

  1. The Glass balls are available from Richard Banister. Last time I saw him, He has one of the old MASSIVE glass sweet jars. Over half full of these glass balls! Thousands of 'em!
  2. They certainly do have a selection! They all look like wartime Bantams, reworked by the French Army. No actual M100's. None of them have the rear tail gate I am looking for either. By the time you factor in delivery, Sourcing the correct light units & anything else needed. It will work out expensive! Prob cheaper to look for one in the UK. But thanks a lot for the lead, they do look interesting! 👍
  3. Do you have the original starter? If so, why not get it overhauled by a specialist?
  4. Circular Metal dustbins welded together for the main Body. A Fibre Glass Nose cone. & Metal tail fins on Fibre glass tapered tail section perhaps?...
  5. Good start! & are you going to make a 'Tallboy' for the second Trolley?
  6. All you need now, is some Bombs!...…;)
  7. Soak the Equilibrator in Kerro or Parafin for a week or so. Act's like a penetrating fluid & should help free up What you need to remove.
  8. That was the original A1 kit. The L85A2 has the twisted bristle wire brush As I explained. The original Poster enquired what the 'Drill Bit' was for in His post. I explained. The cleaning kit for the A2 has a totally different pulthrough. (Know as a Bore snake) & the cleaning rod is the Looped handle as seen in the posters photo's. The one with the folding Handle in your Photo, is from the A1 Kit. Brush no.3 is an old SLR debris brush, with Nylon Bristles. The L85/ SA80 is a bigger green plastic handle. With a soft Bristle head. Error: The No.4 in your lower pic is NOT a 'SUSAT Zeroing spanner.' It is a zeroing screw Locknut Spanner. The zeroing of the screw is performed by the No.7 Screwdriver.
  9. No, It is ALSO used to clean the Gas port in the GAS BLOCK. At 12 o'clock. As well as up the Bore of the GAS PLUG, to remove Carbon deposit's. As mentioned previously, the GAS CYLINDER has it's own dedicated BRUSH for cleaning.
  10. No, The Drill bit as I said. Was used as a 'Reamer' up THE GAS PLUG BORE. To remove carbon. The gas 'Cylinder' is also removable, & there is a dedicated Bronze bristle brush to clean the MUCH WIDER 'Bore' of that. This brush has a twisted galvanised steel handle & retains the Bronze Bristles at the same time. It is therefore one piece.
  11. Er, Read my post again Buddy......2 ARMOURED ENGINEER SQUADRON. I was THERE!....😎
  12. 25 sqn was part of 26 Engineer regt Based in Iserlohn BAOR. Also 5 Sqn & HQ sqn & the REME LAD made up the Regt. In about 1978 I think it was? 2 Armd Engineer Regt was disbanded & joined the Regt in Iserlohn. They were then 2 Armd Engr Squadron. Because they Brought all thier many Armoured Vehicles with them as well. The Barracks became quite 'crowded'!....The Regt was then Retitled 26 Armoured Engineer Regiment. I was attached to 26 to expirience all of the above at that time.
  13. Pic 1 & 2 are SA80 (2nd Patt) cleaning rod handles. Pic 3 The Lower 7 are SA80 Cleaning rod sections. top 5 long rods unknown without handling them . Ally T handle is missing, & I THINK these were for the MAG58? Top is half of a ruptured cartridge extractor tool. Pic 4 Are Wartime revolver & Sten Barrel cleaning rods. They should be copper plated steel Pic 5 is LMG & GPMG Cleaning rod sections & looped handles. Pic 6 is an oil bottle for the SA80 Pic 7 is a Combination tool for the SA80 manufactured by Heckler & Koch
  14. I dont have an image to hand, but can anyone tell me the correct Model Nomenclature for. A postwar Jeep trailer that was used by the Belgium Army? It is similar to a Jeep M100 Trailer. But has a folding tailgate. ROUND Mudguards. I used to have one once & regret selling it! I am looking for one now!.. failing that, has anyone got an M100 for sale? Cheers!
  15. Yes please Bob! How much for postage Sir?
  16. Call Me cynical, But I wonder how long it will be. Before this gentleman is Burgled? I am of the opinion that anything in Newspapers is really not good in this Hobby. & related equipment subjects. The press normally revile such things & call us inappropriate titles. Just because we wish to enjoy & preserve historical items like vehicles & weapons. The Press rarely portrays anything positive in these Fields. Or am I wrong here?.....Just my thoughts.
  17. So be 'careful' on Corners then?...….😵
  18. Interesting, as I have seen comments somewhere. Where an owner state he likes to 'Drive it fast'!..... Would you do that if it was unstable / unsafe? My question would be: If these were designed & used for MANY years by the Military. If they were that bad, why did they keep them in service? it dosent make sense?.....😲 Also, I might be a bit thick! but what is a Blivot?
  19. Citroman,Can you explain by what you mean by 'Poor Road Ability' Please? I am very interested to know.
  20. Yes I was very pleased with my Price Realised. I did a deal on it, most in cash. A new Wolf 9x9 Tent & a Deact No.4 Enfield as well.
  21. Hi Murf. Now I have a Merc Unimog towing a Kassbohrer 1.5 Trailer with a Faun Kraka Folded inside! My predilection is for Bundeswehr Stuff now, & my whole display is geared around a Para unit. That existed in the Garrison Town in Germany, that I was stationed in myself. This also aid's what I display, as I KNOW all that is layout is correct! Come & find Me at W&P, look for the German Federal flag with a yellow shield & an Eagle on that. 'Fallshirmjager Battalion 273'. I will have the kettle on! 👍
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