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Everything posted by Surveyor

  1. Any clue on manufacturing https://www.facebook.com/groups/945004735638909/permalink/2414520468687321/
  2. Thanks for all the help leaving everything with my friend now
  3. Tim Many thanks, I think the project is being costed. At least the question may have helped others Richard
  4. Many thanks for this, I suspect that this will make his wife happy
  5. At the moment it's a for considering question, and yes retain in France
  6. This is a question at planning stage. A friend may be thinking of buying a tracked Vehicle here being UK and take it to France. Yes I know we need government approval The hope is no low loader The question are 1. Has anyone taken one on a ferry as a stand alone vehicle 2. What would be the rules driving in France, I assume toll roads are out Crew of 2 This may not go ahead but he's looking at one and thinking
  7. Thanks last time I tried from them the site was down for months so thought they had stopped trading
  8. I have hunted on eBay but can't find fuel can stencil Looking for unleaded and disesal Can anyone find as marking Jerry cans for parents Thanks in advance Richard
  9. If I go for the one can you help with advice on fixing it please
  10. Many thanks, at the moment looking I suspect I may try to save it as someone wants to take it apart
  11. Look like it, I have message seller
  12. Can you give me a guide to where these are, an internet idiot
  13. Does anyone know what is missing on this as it looks like something is? Next question is there a manual for it? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/175434077399?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=y1xsZbYHSja&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=Qq8cFdZWQ_W&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Thanks in advance
  14. Paint man Retford is who I use
  15. Glad I ticked it off my bucket list this year 1000 mile round trip
  16. Not sure if right place Nicknames banned from Second World War memorial because they ‘risk causing offence’ (msn.com)
  17. Saw this One of the tunnelers passed away https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-oxfordshire-62924112
  18. Sorry for delay in responding but lost internet, Thanks for the help, I have a manual coming hopefully this week along with flat antenna
  19. Thanks for that, just trying to sort out an Ariel thought it might be the same as the 320 but it looks like a co ax
  20. Sorry next questions. Does anyone have an antenna for this How was it carried the screen shot of the manual shows what looks like a frame Thanks in advance Richard
  21. Does anyone have a manual for this please? Also is there a potted history I can use for a display board Thanks in advance Richard
  22. I noticed these were for sale and also looking on E Bay, i was curious as I was only aware of brown Was there a reason for the green to be used? 7744af41-b674-4fd7-a3c1-a330f08f442e.jfif
  23. Yes i am hopeing to get there on Monday
  24. Thanks I think just background to give the impression, its a work in progress at the moment
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