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Everything posted by Willyslancs

  1. cheers mate , just looking for a good engine ........
  2. had a walk up there this morn , still not finished , was told railings/raised beds were going round it , doesnt look like it at the mo ....collection box added ........
  3. LOL dont think mum will let him mate ............
  4. cheers mate , (dads not a mechanic ,is 73 and recovering from a bad hip opp.)
  5. hope these pics are clear ,anyone recognise the army numbers?
  6. some pics took today ................
  7. all the little bits being fitted to it when dad feels upto it .looking good..........
  8. think ive seen one on here ,rusting in someones yard............
  9. snowed all day but not stuck ,whilst walking round lancaster castle
  10. "San Francisco's traffic became tangled up today when this 70-foot coast defense rifle was moved to Fort Funston as protection for the Golden Gate Bridge. This confusion resulted when one of the trucks towing the gun became tangled up in the tow cable. The monster weapon weighs 143 tons and requires 800 pounds of powder to fire a 2400-pound projectile approximately 25 miles.".
  11. try south cumbria ,north lancs mvt ask on there , think he is on there ........good guy
  12. thanks for the news mate, first saw them in the 70 s ...............
  13. nice truck , unrestored? paints lasting well
  14. is this out there in landy world? Catterick 61/63
  15. http://www.flickr.com/photos/62607536@N06/sets/72157632786483813/ The mutts had about 200 miles on each of them ............
  16. our dodge, local paper , circa 1990
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