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About nptimber

  • Birthday 03/20/1971

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    nr market harborough
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  1. bet its cheaper to run than a real one
  2. i was looking at the website FLICKR recently and found several photographs of my pioneer 34YZ16 in service with 6 command work shops colchester ,while on exersize at east wretham in norfolk 1n 1953 :-D,the person who downloaded them was the driver of my scammell hes an 81 year old ex national serviceman and lives in oxfordshire . i have contacted him and a reunion is now being planned ,i will post photographs as soon as this happens:-D:-D they can be viewed on FLICKR just look at TUNNARD flickr site
  3. My granddad looked round my fathers first landrover a early series 2 softtop and said it was a poor tractor a poor car and a poor van not a bad discription really ,but after all these years i still drive a landrover and have half a dozen others for spares or future restoration projects that will probably never be done .
  4. will be there with scammell eka and foden eka prototype in diesel heavy haulage area
  5. the vehicle is an aec matador not a crossley cab looks similar
  6. hello richard im just down the road from you havnt got any tanks but several ww2 wheeled vehicles scammells aec etc our next outing is blaston show this sunday with the scammell
  7. i spotted this as well m1 j 28 poss ex crouch kibworth ?
  8. is this where the beast of bolsover used to hang out !
  9. great to see the matador back on home turf well done
  10. i am looking for a rear hub and wheel for a crane 7.5 ton recovery trailer anyone got anything ?
  11. my dad owned a crusader ex brs 4x2 tractor unit VBV663V he converted it with a york third axle to 6x2 this was a Guy built motor with a ghv chassis no
  12. thanks for the info will keep you in mind if we have any problems cheers ben
  13. this photo shows the winch on the foden bit different to the scammell eka but same design
  14. winch is the same make as to the crusader but a bit bigger as it is rated at 25 ton it was a nice job pity i cant do this everyday
  15. recovery job came in today 50ft dredging barge sunk into a marina while moored along side the river bank . worked out estimated pull and put down 2/1 recovery tackle using Foden 6x6 prototype winch tractor . job sucessfully and safely completed in about 4 hours much to the relief of the owner
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