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Vehicle Intercom and inter vehicle comms

robin craig


Dear All,

At work I have been asked to delve into sourcing a robust intercom system for a variety of military and non military vehicles. I have loved the Racal Clansman series intercom but others dont like it for their own reasons.

I wanted to know what other people are using these days especially if you have more than one vehicle in your fleet do you use a transportable system between the vehicles or does each vehicle have it own dedicated set up? What do you do when the vehicle has multiple occupants ie BV206 or say an FV434 with the load bed full of riders?

When you operate as a pair or multiples of vehicles are you using a real radio system like that for motorbikes on a public band?

Lets open the discussion for us all to learn.



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Hello Robin,

I am in a similar situation myself, and have just purchased a Clansman IB2 ANR intercom box, a couple of Crew Boxes, and a Commander's box; plus ordered a couple of 1-meter harness 12-way cables and a 2-pin power cable - to allow fitment into my Alvis Stalwart. I also purchased a pair of ANR Headsets (Racal / Thales RA Crewgard 180), and a Clansman Standalone Loudspeaker. Initially I'm planning to setup and test the equipment standalone, and then decide where and how to install to the vehicle and then make-up proper 12-way harness cables for a fixed installation. However, I guess that the entire 'solution' above could be fitted into a suitable cabinet, and power-plugged (and earthed) into any of a range of vehicles if you wanted-to.

Prior to the decision to go down the Clansman intercom system route, I've used the following commercial handheld transceivers in the UK to communicate between myself and a leading vehicle when driving on the road:

  • Kenwood ProTalk PMR-446 TK3201 UHF FM Transceiver
  • 'Z-Tactical U94 PTT Headset Cable Adapter for Kenwood'
  •  Peltor 'Ground Mechanic' noise defending hi-vis Headset MT7H79F-01.

With the exception of the Z-Tactical U94 PTT Headset adapter, I'd purchased everything 2nd-hand online via eBay.

Ultimately I will be investigating whether a Kenwood PMR-466 transceiver can be connected to the Clansman IB2, and be usable as 'Radio-A' or 'Radio-B' - but, not being an electronics or Radio whizz, I'd appreciate if anyone can give me some feedback on whether this is possible?

I hope that the above will give some ideas, and perhaps illicit more comment and feedback concerning other alternatives that might be available to you.

I'm unaware of whether the same Kenwood PMR-446 is suitable for your location, so I can only give you an idea of what I've done.

Best regards,

Paul Sims

Edited by globbitz
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Speaking as a Ferret driver with elderly ears I have found that the Clansman kit doesn't really cope with the background noise at normal road speeds. That is using standard A vehicle headsets, the ANR ones might be better. I am though advised by someone who knows that some IB boxes are better than others. Indeed the IB3 I know has an internal adjustment for audio level. I've wound mine up this winter but have yet to see if has made any difference.

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I put a full ANR Clansman rig (including PRC352) in my Stalwart. The two CB2s and TUAAM live behind the driver's head, the rest of the boxes are on the left-hand bulkhead. Note that although you could use commercial radios with Clansman it isn't simple as you need an adaptor for the PTT signal to put the radios into transmit.


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I agree that the clansman is not very loud but I think that it works.

I had a problem trying to link a commercial VHF radio (a Kenwood TK 762) into the clansman network.  As Andy suggested it is the PTT signal that is the problem.  I never really understood how it worked so I was not able to emulate it.  I would really like to be able to link a commercial radio into the Conq and Cent's Clansman system.

If anyone knows how to do it that would be very interesting.

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