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Going rate for Brengun carrier suspension unit.



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I've seen a couple on ebay about a year ago which had a buy it now of £350 I think, however I don't know if they sold.  Most projects at least come with the bogies, although mine didn't.  It also depends on which type of bogie it is, there are cast Canadian ones, cast british ones, cast Australian ones, T16 ones and fabricated british ones.

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Thanks Alastair for the info very helpful, wasn't sure the going rate, i assume you can get bearings  etc to service these. I have seen mentioned that the rubbers on the bogie wheels  can be renewed when they perish. Is this a process where you buy the rubber rim and fit it like a tyre or are they vulcanised on at a factory or workshop. 

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All of the bearings are still manufactured today and the road wheels can be stripped of original rubber and new rubber wound on, vulcanised and machined to the correct profile.  They are NOT press on tyres.  The parts getting more difficult to find are the fork pivot seals, I had new ones waterjet cut; the asbestos cup linings riveted into the positions where the spring packs seat are also more difficult to find than they used to be.  I imported my asbestos cup linings from New Zealand, NOS.

Road Wheels:

There are a number of different types around, TL94 was the early war part number but later they changed the spokes a bit and the profile of the tyre, late ones have escallops in the rubber running all around the tyre where it is bonded to the rim.  You have:

T16 disc wheels, T16 curved spoke wheels, Canadian wheels, Australian LP wheels, British cast wheels and British fabricated wheels (these have circular lightening holes and stand out a mile).

Track return Rollers:

Lots to choose from again:

T16 solid metal, Canadian (lots of rubber), British early war with thin rubber and lightening holes, British later with thin rubber and no holes, late war with no rubber at all and  Australian.


I'm sure to have missed some, its a mine field.

Oh...Windsor Carriers have wheels which look similar to normal Universal Carrier items but they are wider as the spacing between the guide horns on the track was wider.

Edited by ajmac
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