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WD/CO Carb problems


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I have 2 carbs for my WD/CO, the original is very worn and temperamental so I sourced a much newer replacement. They are both the same type276 ac/1a. I have replaced the  jets/ slide/needle/float &needle in the replacement carb. the Bike starts and runs well - until I try to open the choke when it just dies. What are the most likely causes please?



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Have you removed and cleaned the jet block thoroughly ? A blocked pilot will often cause stalling. The choke can disguise this.

I see that you were having the same problem with the previous carb, three years ago...Sorry if this is a suck-eggs situation, but you are operating the choke correctly, aren't you ?

Tight wire = choke off, slack wire = choke on so lever needs to be pulled back towards you after starting.

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I thought I'd already replied but my reply hasn't been posted, agh well. When you swapped the carb, did you also swap the 1a float bowl? Is it a 1a for sure? What size banjo bolt are you using? The wrong size can cause fuel starvation as the float bowl can sit lower than the jet block and needle etc.

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