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Austin K2Y ambulance

Higgins kpt.

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Hi I like the tyers, I got some Mitus? going back a bit they had Implement branded on the side walls so that limited the top speed to 40KMH out here in aussie, so I got wallace wade see tread, I will get a more road friendly type next.

instrument part dos. may help.

Instrument case (Complete)

Austin Pt.no. 2H 3415

oil gauge 0-40 (later type 0-60)  smiths pt.no. X.49371/1 or X45817.

Austin pt.no. 2H 1991,

MOD part no. MT1/SM/49371/1.

Ammeter  20-0-20 Lucas CZ20.L11 364470,

Austin Pt.no. 2H 1992.

MOD Pt.no.  MT4/LU/364470 or MT4/LU/36002,

Petrol gauge smiths pt.no. X.47169

Austin pt.no. 2H 1992

MOD pt.no. MT1/SM/47169

Speedo. Smiths, X.42839/31, Austin pt.no. 2H 3414,

or X.51807/3, Austin pt.no. 2H 3717. MOD pt.no. MT1/SM/51807/3,

I will look out for some,

fitted to 3.5 trucks 1939-49.

0-60 psi 1949 on 4ltr. trucks






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Hi H.

Yes I have a 1941 model K2Y,

I tried the Mitas, but as I said they came with the word implement branded on both sides, so I would only be able to do 40 KMH here.

So I had to send them back.

I send you list of part numbers for the instruments,

 So for each part I sent you the,


Makers part no.

Austin Part No.

War department Part No.

may help with a parts search.




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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Higgins,

Well its coming along, Well done

i hope you do not mind me being a bit critical here, the speedo is not quite right,

I do really appreciate how hard it is these days to get the right parts, 

there should be a brass plate fitted around the choke pull. although I have rarely seen this fitted.

I think I have an illustration some where.

the fuel tank and brake light switches should be Lucas 30001A, 2H3771, MD6L9. levers pointing down,

ch.no. 23844 onwards, as as a rebuilt model A1782244 this would be the case anyway.


The lower 2( 2/3) pictures are of easy rebuilt models with the later type dash panel fitted, the above Ambulance has quite an early scuttle fitted.

The top Ambulance would be like this as standard.

these pictures are of course of restored Ambulances so they are not completely original or right, depending how you look at things, as least they are saved, ready for the next rebuild.


This Ambulance is a very early model, and is made up of bits, note the choke fitted to the engine cover.

As this has an early dash panel fitted, the ign. switch in the centre.

I will need to look into the F.tank and horn as this is shown  like this on later models.



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Hi Higgins

I checked the rebuilt switch although the switchesI think I am wrong here,

as the holes in the dash are drilled differently, So fitting later switches to an early dash makes the levers point down wards.


early switches on early dash.

later switches on an early dash, but with the raised sign. switich

To be fair it does make sense to fit them this way as it keeps the water out etc, as with the flood lamp switches, hence my error.


keep with the good work I know how hard it is to work under a tarp, outside. in cold weather, 

best Rupert

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Hi Higgins,

I did notice the word implement on your tyres So no good to me out here, i will have to get some that are better on the road.

Anyway I never posted any pictures of our Ambo.

So It is A 1941 model Austin K2Y, A1207004

history came out of the factory 0n ANZAC day 1941(guess).

to North Africa April 1942 to Australia 1948ish sold off, rebuilt as Ambo 1950s,

cut up as flatbed truck, Dumped.

As 1207004 of the 2AACC NSW, Darkes Forest circa 1942


at rest in Cootamundra



Note the 9mm pistol hole just in front of the lubrication chart


the door has the later large cutaway, as the body was a late model found in very poor condition in  the UK, i have made it look like an early body in most places.

fitting seat belts, was an option but with the nutters on the road why not.


the dash instruments were all smashed.


new switches had to be fitted. note the m/c gun bullet hole in the engine side panel below the fixing screw, and in the upper corner just below the steering column the 9 mm bullet hole from the other side.


orignal early engine layout, the carburettor is slightly newer as the old one had rotted away inside, I did not fit plug top resistors, and the lead restores failed after a time so I made false ones. Original coil!

there are 16 bullet makes along the engine block and head,at two different heights,

the radiator does not quite fit as its a 1936 model and was replaced in the middle east, mice I guess.IMG_5423.thumb.jpg.a8875ae42a6f12d15d89b4bedf8f2a92.jpg

Australian Army Painted the make and model and year on the toe board.

note the holes in the accelerator and toe board, to set two engine speeds,

for the modified power take 1'"inch square drive fitted in the Middle East, to power what?Why?

the hand rear light bracket was the original, so I made another one up, lots of compromises just to be safe.

i fitted hinged plastic sdie screens,in the windscreen frame mountings. these are really good at stopping those bugs!


A1207004 ,As 2/3rd Australian Fied Ambulance Middel East, Which it may have served.

note should only have a passenger side headlight.


A1207004 (1207004) as newly arrived at 2AACC NSW before painting.

You may have a question or 4x4,






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Hi Rupert, thank you very much for interesting info and photos! Details is in second line, becouse I have only short time to 75th aniversary end of War in Europe, want finnish restoration….Late go to the details, I dont know date of build my ambulance, maybe help me? Think is early model...regards Tom



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