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Bar ???

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Hi to everyone .I'm possibly in the market for a Browning BAR ...

I've been mooching for a while and there does seem to be a big disparity in various prices ,I'm not fussed over what year it maybe is (it doesn't have to be genuine WW2 anyways) ..and I don't know off hand , when they were made 'from and to' etc.....

I've also a vague understanding (I think?!) of 'new' and 'old' de-actififying specs ..would I be correct in saying, on an old spec one 'more or less everything moves like it used to' and on a new one 'nothing does'?

So..... can someone tell and maybe point me in the direction I should be going and roughly what one would cost ?

Many thanks.

PS: .......If I had a preference ?.....I'd really want one that would have been used in the 1920s/30s so ....a well early one I 'd guess?........... but I also guess that for such a weapon , I'd probably not have the available budget so as I said...I'd look at anything offered ..including good replicas :)


Cheers Bob :laugh:

Edited by RattlesnakeBob
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As far as deac goes , yes. Modern de-ac on auto weapon welds the whole lot shut. BAR was produced from early part of 1918. Probably still in service somewhere. Famous users include Browning's Son Val during 1918 with American Forces on the Wetern Front. And William Bonnie (Not the Thompson as depicted in the film) It really was development of Brownings Colt Poto Masher mg. Prices depend on date , condition , matching part numbers and manufacturer.

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The spec will depend on the rifle, pre 1995, any of the BAR family would have been able to dry fire, post 1995, any bipod mounted rifle was classed as an LMG and could retain the dry fire ability (Hence some post 1995 M16s with Bi-pods are functional) but the 1918 BAR didn't have a Bipod so they were classed as self loading rifles and welded solid.


It didn't take to long for this loophole to be closed and now a rifle that simply has a bipod fitted (Like the M16 clip on) will be classed as a automatic rifle regardless.

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You just missed the Malvern sale must of been some there :coffee:

Yep, saw a couple at Malvern but didn't clock the prices. Look out for next sale somewhere this weekend that all the traders go to and don't pay top dollar, I baffled everything down, even a £100 off a no4 Enfield!!!

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yes thanks... I've seen the one on Milweb ..and managed to get back up off the floor at the price too ! hahah! :cheesy:

.please excuse my ignorance but ..why is this one so much cheaper?..


http://www.gunstar.co.uk/browning-bar-machine-guns-for-sale-in-perthshire/Other-Military-Guns/507847. ???


PS: I can see it's got a pistol grip and it doesn't look quite 'right' with one... so is that why the difference in price??


I've seen quite a few for sale anywhere between £650 to £2850 .a massive difference as you can see ...can anyone point me in the direction of a good replica company? I've seen some (apparently) cracking looking German made all metal replica MP40s and they go from about £200 to £300 and ( not having seen them in the flesh so to speak ) they do look very good so I wondered if the same outfit may be making a BAR replica??..they certainly look good enough for my purpose of wanting a BAR so ..if anyone knows where or who is making these?...that might be a good place to start :cheesy:.

...I'll be totally honest..... I don't have the budget for an 'all singing dancing genuine one'........but £5 or £600 or so for a cracking replica might well be well good enough to tempt me :-D

Edited by RattlesnakeBob
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That one is an FN made example, so not as desirable to some collectors (although it all depends on what you are in to really).

If I had the spare change in the sofa I'd pick it up because I'm that sort of deviant I'd buy Belgian made Browning weapons:embarrassed:

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There is so many differences between the 2 BAR's if you are doing a WW2 impression

it sticks out a mile even the magazines are different and will not interchange and to be

honest the last Belgian BAR which I had for sale took ages to sell and it was a lot less

you have to remember that for every collector/reenactor doing post war there is 100

doing WW2 so simple lesson in supply and demand


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I want a BAR for promotional pictures so as I say, a damn fine replica will do ...so....it can be made in Taiwan and from the finest plastic available for all that matters I guess :cool2:

...if all else fails I reckon I'll be in the workshop for a few weeks and see what I can make ..there are some mighty fine plans out there in internet land available to build a full scale replica so.. I can quite possibly see me going that way :-\

Incidentally one of the 'plan' companies I've found has excellent downloadable plans available for just about any weapon you'd want for WW2 history purposes ....I especially like their Browning .50 Cal too :-D

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:-D Be aware! For the VCR compliance they will ask you for proof of entilment.


being totally ignorant of such matters as the VCR :) what do I need to do then Tony??? and how do I go about it all ???

by the way :-) ..........

.I do think an airsoft is the way to go !..much easier than building one and by crikey!....choose the right one and they look absolutely spot on! ....and as you say ...you can always have a bit of fun in the garden with them too !

as I admit I am absolutely totally ignorant of this whole 'Airsoft' thing....so ..do they fire a pellet or a plastic 'ball bearing' and power wise..are they about the same as maybe .22 air rifle or 'gentler or are they more sort of a 'paintball gun' in power in general ????

thanks ! Bob

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They are very limited in power, but the pistols have a range of a couple of hundred feet. Eiither spring, propane gas which both my pistols are , or electric. They fire a 6mm plastic or clay type ball, that sting! You neeed to show that you eiyher a mamber of an Airsoft club, part of a re-eanctment sosciety with 3rd party insurance, which is how I do it or Amatuer dramatics. If you are a member of any shooting, hunting , fishing orgs you may well find in the small print that the insurance covers you for third party re-enactment. Funny enough if it described as an Air Rifle, it dosen't come under VCR.

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Or get yourself PLI and make yourself a group of one!

My insurance is through AFRA, who run an umbrella scheme because the insurance is too bloody high for small groups or individuals. So you join up (i think it's about £15 for the year) and are covered, they even send you a membership card. Simples!

Failing that, I have a mate in the film industry, has his own production company. Some retailers only need a letter from a company to say it's being used for theatrical purposes...

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There are 2 alternatives bite the bullet and buy a deact which at worse you get your money back in full

or it goes up in value and going by current trends this is what happening or buy an airsoft and you will

lose money when you sell it simples


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Ah, but it's a Belgian made Browning, and to some people that's not as good as a "proper American" weapon (and yes someone has said that to me once)


They were good enough for the German forces! I learnt to shoot on a Belgian made GP 35 with German markings.

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