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Anyone feeling wealthy?


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You'll need to be for the estimated prices shown here:




It's the auction site for the Littlefield collection. Rather confusing though as it says there are 108 vehicles for sale - but only 18 are shown - and I think the photo for Lot No. 43 may just be the wrong one!! :wow:

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$200k for a Conqueror? Someone better tell the IWM!

just noticed the prices are in $s....

that makes it all pretty reasonable doesn't it ???

yeah I know a stack of money still but ..... I'd have thought about £100,000 ish for a running and complete relatively rare tank such as a Conqueror was reasonable ??? isn't it ?

well it is in my book... if a Jeep can apparently occasionally fetch £20,000?... I'd willingly give 5 times that to own a real living breathing Conqueror anyways :)

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I'd have thought about £100,000 ish for a running and complete relatively rare tank such as a Conqueror was reasonable ??? isn't it ?

well it is in my book... if a Jeep can apparently occasionally fetch £20,000?... I'd willingly give 5 times that to own a real living breathing Conqueror anyways :)


The thing is a Conqueror weighs 65 tons and does 9 gallons to the mile...... That does lower it's desirability to many!

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Wonder what's going to happen to the IOW's Conqueror?......

(Is there more than one over there, can never remember)



A scrapyard in Norfolk cut up a Conqueror up about five years ago and when the gas axe cut through the barrell it cut through a drill round stuck in there, that caused a lot of confusion for a while and the Police and Bomb Squad were called!

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i was down there on wednesday and the conqs were still there. i didnt ask but i reckon they would be available for less than scrap. something around 7k should do it. if anyone is interested send me a pm and i will pass on the details


Go on Rick! You know you want another project............... :coffee:

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A scrapyard in Norfolk cut up a Conqueror up about five years ago and when the gas axe cut through the barrell it cut through a drill round stuck in there, that caused a lot of confusion for a while and the Police and Bomb Squad were called!



Thats odd , I did not see any drill rounds or the bomb squad ! I was there dealing with it for the police . No confusion.... Tell your own stories Steve ... Not half of other peoples .

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2 maybe 3 churchills and another brit tank resto. which is strange when it was only 2 months ago that i was considering getting out of the hobby but i guess im getting in deeper. funny old world.



You know it makes sense....if you squint at the figures and turn a deaf ear to those close to you who may proffer advice:D

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