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Federal C2

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I now have a Federal 606 C2, It needs total restoration.(post pictures soon)

There is very little found on the net.

Manuals seem very hard to find, luckily in my manual collection I have T.O. No. 19-20-17 parts for 606D chassis serial nos. 113001 to 114859 but when I look at this site http://www.twinbeech.com/federalc2wrecker.htm my dash is a 606E and my serial nos. is 606 109608.

Besides the 606 does the 109608 tell me any thing like the ward lafrance serial numbers do ?

Any information would greatly be appreciated.

Jeff Jensen

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Hi Jeff,


Welcome the 'HMVF C-2 Needing Total Restoration Support Support Group' - it's been very lonely until now.... :D


If you could do a nice copy of the parts T.O., I'd be pleased to exchange for a copy of T.O.19-20-9 which is a PRELIMINARY HANDBOOK OF INSTRUCTIONS dated Jan 20 1942 - a very detailed descriptive and maintenance manual.


Whilst this covers the earlier models I think it is only the crane boom which is substantially different.


Any questions just ask away - a lot of the components are used elsewhere so someone on here may be able to help.





p.s. S/N is 606D114550

Edited by N.O.S.
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Hi Tony

Sounds like a plan, I will start on it soon as possible (-10 right now,that's the high temp, -30 this afternoon) .Or do you want to scan the manual and send as an email attachment. Would that work for you?


Trying to,figure out my truck, low serial no.109608,low reg. no W5447 I think I have one truck made from 2 which makes sense, There is a parts truck also (chassis only) Just can not find it under snow, Will know more in the spring.


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Jeff - there are 293 pages!! I could get it scanned by the local copy bureau onto a disc and post out to you that way - would save on postage costs. But I can get it bound nicely with comb binder and post no problem.


How many pages to the parts book and how would you prefer to send? I can live with an electronic version if that suits you better, but I think it will be a very big email attachment!

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  • 4 months later...

Ok guys I have been working on the C2, Blew the mouse condominium out of the bell housing, rebuilt the carburetor , rebuilt the governor(there was lots of afro american engineering in there). dumped the oil, Did not like what came out so pulled the pan.

Then for some reason it started to leak anti freeze,looked to be the gasket on the lower radiator elbow , pulled the rad. so i could clean it up real good, made 2 nice 1/2 inch rubber pads (there was 2 layers of old inner tube about 3/8 max.) and put the rad. back in.

Now the elbow hits the cross-member.

here is what i want to know.

How thick are the 2 pads supposed to be. I am thinking 1 inch.

How long are the 2 mounting bolts.I thing they should be fine thread and a castle nut for cotter pin.

I have 2 springs and 1 stepped washer,will make 3 more, where does the spring go, on top or below.

Looked at many pictures on the net but can not find any that show the radiator mounting.



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Hi Jeff,


If you're still pulling your hair out next week I'll get a chance to look at a rad mount for you.


The other way to work it out would be the height of the central mounting pads for the bonnet assy which you would think should run level from the cab?



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Hi Tony

yes let me know.

Also on mine there are plates welded on top of the hole threw the cross-member and one on the bottom inside.

I have to go up about a 1/2 inch to center the elbow in the hole so should clear the plate.



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