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Deac Question


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When an SLR is deactivated (old style), is the barrel slotted and plugged?


Is it possible to have a live firing SLR on an FAC and does anyone have one?


A SLR is a Section 5 weapon so can not be held on an FAC (Unless you are an Armourer)

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ok Lee, Humour me here. What about on single shot only with the .22 conversion kit fitted?


Once a Section 5 always a Section 5.. if it was to be converted it still remains a S5...





Section 7(1)(a) of the 1988 Act (as





amended by the 1997 Act) provides that if


any weapon has at any time been a weapon

to which section 5(1) or 5(1A) of the 1968

Act applies, it shall be treated as a prohibited

weapon regardless of anything done for the

purpose of converting it into a weapon of a

different kind. Thus a fully automatic weapon

such as a Bren gun which has been smoothbored

and adapted to single-shot would still

be classified as a prohibited weapon, as

would a pistol that had a 24 inch or more




smooth-bore barrel fitted to it.

Edited by Marmite!!
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ok Lee, Humour me here. What about on single shot only with the .22 conversion kit fitted?

Not unless the barrel cannot be changed. If you are talking of the 'slot in' .22. If it can be removed no. I would contact a proof house. There were a number of old .303 Lee Enfeild Number ones converted by Parker Hale to .22 in the thirties forties. Thses occasionally come up. Mostly there is no problem with them, basicaly because of the age. Mucking about with a modern weapon may cause trouble, if it was built 7.62 it remains 7.62 regardless and if it is self loading above .22, Section 5. Back in the days.. no, dont go there.. Pistol systems were sold with a change of calibre. These were counted in UK as two seperate weapons. A seperate entitlement was needed for each calibre.

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Not unless the barrel cannot be changed. If you are talking of the 'slot in' .22. If it can be removed no. I would contact a proof house. There were a number of old .303 Lee Enfeild Number ones converted by Parker Hale to .22 in the thirties forties. Thses occasionally come up. Mostly there is no problem with them, basicaly because of the age. Mucking about with a modern weapon may cause trouble. Back in the days.. no, dont go there.. Pistol systems were sold with a change of calibre. These were counted in UK as two seperate weapons. A seperate entitlement was needed for each calibre.


We are talking about section 5 weapons not Section 1... you can not hold a Section 5 even if its been converted to single shot...


2.29 Section 7(1)(a) of the 1988 Act (as

amended by the 1997 Act) provides that if

any weapon has at any time been a weapon

to which section 5(1) or 5(1A) of the 1968

Act applies, it shall be treated as a prohibited

weapon regardless of anything done for the

purpose of converting it into a weapon of a

different kind. Thus a fully automatic weapon

such as a Bren gun which has been smoothbored

and adapted to single-shot would still

be classified as a prohibited weapon, as

would a pistol that had a 24 inch or more



smooth-bore barrel fitted to it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
FYI in Jersey,I have shot a SLR,M16,M14 & Bren gun (303),but then the Law is local their (not coved by the U.K. Parliament)


Yeah lovley situation. Is it a smoothbore? Then you get a Permite de Portage from the Parsish Hall. Is it rifled? Go see the States Police. Though 'rifled' covers everything including an air rifle, unless that's now been relaxed.:banghead:

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As I understand it anything single-shot is legal,as one guy had an MG34,converted to single-shot,but this sadly doesn’t apply to the U.K. mainland.

Wad da ya mean ONE MG34 converted? :cool2: My favourite is the FG43, there must more per square mile over there than anywhere else in the world!

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Wot's a FG43?


Disluczic fingers and a long day,soory, mixing the GEW 43 and MP44. Anyway, Dear Santa, just to get my letter in early I want...one of these and about 10,000 rounds please.


Edited by Tony B
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Tony B

Disluczic fingers and a long day,soory,


No problem my typing has been poor since I had a tendon resected at the end of February- just couldn't make my mind up if it was a weapon that I was unaware, nice banana clip gun, I'd like one but not under the current DEAC rules.



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If the FG 42 had been chambered for 7.92 x 33 kurz cartridge -the MP43 StG44 round, it would have been a classic weapon of all time, chambered as it was for the 7.92 x 57 it was too lightly built be viable- requiring a higher standard of soldier skills than could be available in wartime.

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Handles like a dream, presents very naturally , easy to aquire sights. The one critism as you can see from the picture, the butt was rather light and flimsy.


How can you tell that? He is facing the camera...................

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Very true, not used to being in the picture. Mark even had to tell me I was in one picture. :blush:


:shocking:What I failed to say is that the pic should be X rated and carry a Government warning:rofl:

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