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Antar Gallery

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I posted this one in the old Tank Transporter gallery, just before the accident so not everyone may have seen it.


It is one of the Snowy Mountain Antars.


Everyone should know that the MkI and MkII Antar had a Rover metoerite petrol engine, A V8 derivative or the Merlin, It is less well known that the early civilian Antars used a dieselised version of the Meteorite.. The two curved bulges on the bonnet top give this one away as a diesel metoerite engined Antar

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I remember the Pickfords Antar delivering an armature to La Collette power station in the early sixtes, in Jersey. Had to come on a LST as there was nothing else that would carry it. Considering the Island won't allow anything wider than 7 foot 6 inches under normal circumstances you can imagine the intrest. As a kid of 7 or 8 , awe inspiring.

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there is DVD with it on somewhere. bear in mind it was a LOOOOOOng time ago. The States of Jersey were bulilding a new power station at La Collette, the tall chimmney as you enter the harbour. It wa sto replace the 1930's unit at Queen's road. A new armature was bulit but the harbour cranes couldn't cope with it. So an Army LST brought over the vehicle and trailer and beached at La Haule slip. Toook about 12 hours to get to La Collette. I'm sure it was an Antar prime mover.

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