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WW2 British 1 Ton 2wheel GS Trailer

Ian L

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WW2 20cwt GS trailer #5 MK1 restoration. The Trailer was converted to a 7kw generator trailer post war by the Army, it has support legs & overrun braking added. This will be very useful behind the Morris C8 as its brakes are quite poor at the best of time.






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We knew that all the side panels & angle iron would need replacing but once stripped it was far worse than expected and found that 75% of the chassis frame will also need replacing.







Edited by Ian L
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I can see that you had a good start on the trailer Ian and Tom?

On the pictures it is now clear that the side construction is bolted on to the chassis, will these section be repaired are will you rebuild this part with new angle iron and sheet metal.


What is the floor made of original on this type of trailer and how is it fitted?



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I can see that you had a good start on the trailer Ian and Tom?

On the pictures it is now clear that the side construction is bolted on to the chassis, will these section be repaired are will you rebuild this part with new angle iron and sheet metal.


What is the floor made of original on this type of trailer and how is it fitted?




Hi Guy, Your correct about the side panels being bolted on and these will need to be completely replaced, I'm guessing that the floor was T&G wood due to the regular holes in the frame but this trailer was boarded out with a sheet of modern plywood.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Spentpart of the day today cutting the chassis up.

As the trailer Is going to be used properly and it wont just be for show we have taken the decision to make up a new chassis and we will onl be keeping the original A frame, feels like project has taken a massive leap forwards in progress as this is the final part of taking stuff apart. now its time for me to learn to weld properly, slightly worrying as I know I'll get the blame if it goes wrong ;)


But on the plus side.. Got the morris running today, changed the head gasket, ran lovely albeit on 3 cylinders.. Lord Litchfield says its the condenser, so shall get it changed over next time I am over to play and see if she runs better!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Spent some of this evening being shown how to TIG weld a few Bedford QL wheels..

Got a few bits of homework to do, been given 2 foot of welding wire and i need to learn to feed it through my left hand steadily before I can have a proper go.


Went down to a local machining workshop with Ian and got introduced to a lovely chap called scott, he has a stunning ongoing matador restoration, learnt how to use a hydraulic press to punch out the old bolts, hoping to go down one evening to do the rest and have a proper chat with scott, would have taken some pictures but obviously its not my workshop, I would get a bit annoyed if someone took pictures of my workshop..


I think this thread is going to get interesting especially when I come to weld the trailer! More pictures to come..

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

The only part of the chassis we were able to reuse was the 'A' frame and even that is down to a 1mm thick in places so thats going to take a few hours to repair before it can be welded onto the new frame.









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Nice work, I welded the A frame first on to the new frame and thereafter made some repairs

I was a bit worried that if I repaired the A frame fist that there is was a possibility off bending from the heat of the welding.


That's really a nice workshop you two are working in?



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Progress was a bit slow today repairing the old 'A' frame due to the workshop being freezing cold and we were also knackered from the North Oxon club MVT road run the day before but its now finished & ready for mating to the new Chassis.






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Well that's it for a while, a massive thanks to Steve our resident 'heavy' welder and new MVT & HMVF member for all the work him & Tom have put in over the last 3 days, you can have a day off now lads & celebrate new year. :beer::yay::sleep:



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