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Niels v

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Niels v last won the day on February 1

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18 Good

About Niels v

  • Birthday 08/19/1985

Personal Information

  • Location
    Denmark, Copenhagen
  • Interests
    WW2 Commonwealth mv`s, the bigger the better, particulary Scammell's
  • Occupation
    MSc. Eng, chemical and biotechnology

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  1. One pop up on facebook https://www.facebook.com/share/p/Q3Kjcte6o5cRW41d/?mibextid=WC7FNe
  2. This just appeared on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/share/p/AqwAAvYFXDUheSeW/?mibextid=K35XfP
  3. "www.jeeptom.com" this guy in sweden has had quite a lot of weasels in different conditions for sale, might be worth asking him
  4. Where did the M10 come from besides Israel, ex budge?
  5. I would say the Lancia, as the badge sits down in the grill,
  6. this is a 1938 Ford Delux Phaeton and these two are Chevrolets and a Horch/Opel/Wandere on the fare left see Another Umbau-wagen? - MLU FORUM (mapleleafup.net)
  7. From this Panzer Farm - DZIĘKUJEMY wszystkim naszym Przyjaciołom, z całego... | Facebook it seems that it already has gone to the Army museum in Warsaw
  8. It went to the Cadmans, and it is currently being restored
  9. They came out of reserve stock so they where pretty much all overhauled condition
  10. I wonder if its the similar type as used in the Armored cars
  11. Built from remains found in the Turn scrap yard and I think turret from Kurland. but all based on rumors
  12. Jon you might already have these but otherwise https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0G8U4yj9yTdP6mkRFsa2bGSoAjUEsvb8mXCTk5Q5assyU2TgFaAF4o6B7eoPPMhZ1l&id=100013240741307
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